ADRELO Project

At De Montfort University, I worked on the project titled "Advancing Resilience in Low Income Housing Using Climate Change Science and Big Data Analytics". This project is funded by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). This is a multidisciplinary research project which includes international collaborators from the UK, the USA, Brazil and the two Sub-Saharan African countries, namely Kenya and Mozambique. We, as a social economics team, worked with several other teams, such as Institute of Climate Change and Adaptation (ICCA), Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Team from DMU, Geological, Material and Engineering Team from the University of Nairobi, Pennsylvania State University & Brazil.

I, as a part of Socio-economics team, prepared several sets of questionnaire for collecting primary data in collaboration with the University of Nairobi to analyse socio-economic impact of a natural disaster (such as flood) on communal building structures, health and well-being of people in the Nyando region of Kenya.

More information can be found here: