Better Beginnings

Level 2 Application Tutorial

for Center-Based Programs

The Better Beginnings Application Process

In this tutorial, we will review the BB application requirements and the documentation needed to be successful. (Items 1, 3, and 4 on the list below). You should also be preparing for your ERS assessments and PAS portfolio review. Each of these steps is explained in more detail in the Overview of the Certification Process and Better Beginnings Guide (pages 5-10).

1. Complete the Better Beginnings Checklist.

2. Prepare for ERS assessments and PAS program review.

3. Gather documentation for application.

4. Submit application with attachments.

5. ERS assessments and PAS program review.

6. Notification of BB Level.

Before you begin this tutorial, download and save the Overview of the Certification Process, Better Beginnings Guide, and the Better Beginnings Application. This tutorial will walk you through the process of filling out the Better Beginnings Level 2 application.

Because you have completed an application for Level 1, this 3-page application is all you need for Level 2. (If you have never applied for Better Beginnings before, please contact your Better Beginnings Specialist to get the correct application)

BB Overview of the BB process.pdf

Click here to download and save the Overview of the Bb Certification process

1. Better Beginnings Guide 2019.pdf

Click here to download and save the Better Beginnings Guide.

Bb Level 2 Modified Application (returning applicants).pdf

Click here to download and save the modified Level 2 Better Beginnings Application.

Table of Contents

Click the links below to access specific requirements or scroll down and go through each requirement in order.

FORM B.pdf

Click here to open Form B.

FORM B: Better Beginnings Application Checklist

FORM B is a checklist of the Better Beginnings requirements for Level 2 applicants. We will go through this list in this tutorial. As you complete items on this checklist, mark them "yes". Once you have checked "yes" for each item, you are ready to submit your application

Hint: It is ok to submit your application before you complete your portfolio and/or while waiting for staff to complete the required trainings. Your application will not be approved until all requirements are met, but you will be "in line" for your ERS and PAS assessments.

This image shows where this requirement is listed on FORM B. See pages 21-22 in the BB guide for more information

Click here to learn more about the Program Administration Scale.

2.A.1 Facility has a portfolio set up with required documentation for the PAS Review.

Level 2 applicants are required to participate in a modified PAS Program Review. After your application is reviewed by the Better Beginnings Specialist, it will be sent to A-State Childhood Servies for a PAS review. Your PAS assessor will contact you to set up a date and time for the review. No minimum score is required for Level 2.

The modified review consists of Items 1, 3, 8, 9, 12, and 16 in the PAS book. Administrators should prepare a portfolio with documentation for each of these items.

The Program Administration Scale 2nd edition (PAS) book is provided to participants in the PAS Basics course or can be purchased through online booksellers like Amazon or Red Leaf Press.

Level 2 PAS Portfolio Workshops are offered regularly online. You can find current course offerings at this link.

FORM B of the application: When you have prepared your PAS portfolio, check the "yes" box.

2.A.1 PAS Modified Virtual Program Review handout.pdf

Click here to read more about the PAS program review process.

Better Beginnings Level 2 PAS 2.15.22.pdf

Click here to see a list of possible documentation for the Level 2 PAS review.

This image shows where this requirement is listed on FORM B. See page 22 in the BB guide for more information

2.A.2 Director has reviewed the Strengthening Families webinar or completed training.

Administrators are required to view a short video about the Strengthening Families initiative and take a 5-question quiz. You can access the video and quiz at this link: A Verification of Completion will be emailed to you within 2 weeks of completing this requirement.

FORM B of the application: When you have received the Verification of Completion for Strengthening Families webinar, check the "yes" box for requirement 2.A.2.

Your Verification of Completion should be attached to your application when you submit it.

This image shows where this requirement is listed on FORM B. See page 23 in the BB guide for more information

2.B.1 Administrator and teaching staff maintain membership in PDR and (or ADE) registry.

All administrative and teaching staff must be members of the Professional Development Registry (PDR) or the Arkansas Department of Education (or ADE) registry. Most child care centers use PDR.

To become a member of the PDR, click on the link to open the PDR website. Click the Become a Member tab at the top of the page and fill out the online form.

For help with PDR, open the PDR Member Application Tutorial.

FORM C of the application: Record the names and PDR numbers for all staff members.

Click here to go to the PDR website

2. PDR Member Application Tutorial.pdf

Click here for the PDR Member Application Tutorial

This image shows where this requirement is listed on FORM B. See page 23 in the BB guide for more information.

3. PDR Career Ladder.pdf

Click here to open the PDR Career Ladder.

2.B.2: Administrator meets the requirements for Intermediate 1, or higher, on the PDR Career Ladder.

Look at the document titled PDR Career Ladder. The requirements for Intermediate 1 include 135 clock hours of PDR-approved training or 9 semester hours of college credit in early childhood education or a related field. At least 30 clock hours must be in professionalism, and leadership/collaborative program management/administrator competencies.

If you have completed Directors Orientation and PAS Basics, you should have at least 21 hours. Other courses in professionalism, leadership, collaborative program management, or administrator competencies are offered regularly online. You can find current course offerings at this link.

The Administrator must also be a member of a professional organization like the Arkansas Early Childhood Association (AECA). To learn more about joining AECA, click here:

This image shows where this requirement is listed on FORM B. See page 24 in the BB guide for more information

PDR Career Ladder.pdf

Click here to open the PDR Career Ladder.

Release For Access To Training Transcript - PDR.pdf

Click here to download and print the Release for Access to PDR Training Transcript.

2.B.3: Within the first year of employment, all staff must meet Foundation Level 1 requirements or higher and at least 50% of teaching staff meet the requirements for Foundation Level 2, or higher, on the PDR Career Ladder.

Look at the document titled PDR Career Ladder. The requirement for Foundation Level 1 is 15 clock hours of training and orientation. Foundation Level 2 is 30 hours. If you have new staff, your Better Beginnings Specialist will prorate the hours required.

To meet the PDR orientation requirement, staff may complete one of the following:

AR New Staff Orientation (NSO):

Child Care Orientation Training (CCOT):

To view your staff's PDR transcripts, you will need to request access to your staff's PDR records. Print the form titled Release to Access PDR Training Transcript. Submit the completed form to the PDR office. Complete instructions are included on the form.

FORM C of the application: Record the name, hire date, and PDR number for all staff members. Do not attach transcripts.

This image shows where this requirement is listed on FORM B. See page 24 in the BB guide for more information

2.B.4 All administrators and teaching staff participate annually in 20 clock hours of approved professional development. Administrators must have at least 3 hours in program planning/management/and/or leadership.

All administrative and teaching staff must be members of the Professional Development Registry (PDR) or the Arkansas Department of Education (or ADE) registry. Most child care centers use PDR.

FORM C of the application: Record the number of hours of professional development that each staff member has participated in in the last 12 months.

This image shows where this requirement is listed on FORM B. See pages 11, 13, 14, 24, and 25 in the BB guide for more information.

Bb Level 2 required trainings.pdf

This documents lists all required training for BB level 2 providers.

1.A.1, 1.B.4, 1.B.5, 2.B.6, and 2.B7: Administrator completes all required training

1.A.1 PAS Basics: Required for Better Beginnings Level 1, this 4-hour workshop introduces the PAS and the Better Beginnings certification process. This course is required every 5 years.

1.B.4 and 2.B.6 ERS Basics: Required for Better Beginnings Level 1, this 3-hour workshop has been designed for this requirement, but any course on ECERS, ITERS, or SACERS can be taken to meet this requirement. This course is required every 5 years.

1.B.5 Developmentally appropriate physical activities: There are many courses that can be taken to meet this requirement. Any training that focuses on children and physical activity, moving, dancing, exercise, etc. will meet this requirement. This course is required every 5 years.

2.B.7 Nutrition training: The administrator and kitchen manager (if applicable) must take 2 hours of training on nutrition for children each year.

You may find a list of required courses and current courses for all Better Beginnings required trainings at this link:

FORM B of the application: When you have completed the required trainings listed above, check the "yes" box for the requirement for "Director meets level 2 training requirements."

FORM C of the application: Record the date you completed each required training. You do not need to submit copies of PDR transcripts, your Better Beginnings Specialist will check your PDR records.

This image shows where this requirement is listed on FORM B. See pages 24 and 25 in the BB guide for more information.

Bb Level 2 required trainings.pdf

This documents lists all required training for BB level 2 providers.

2.B.5 and 2.B.6: Teaching staff complete all required training

2.B.5 ELS Basics or Developmental Assets training: To meet this requirement 50% of teaching must take the course designed for the age of children they teach.

Infant/Toddler and Preschool teachers: ELS Basics was designed to give early childhood teachers an introduction to the Arkansas Child Development Early Learning Standards (CDELS), but other courses on CDELS will count for this requirement.

School-age teachers: Introduction to the 40 Developmental Assets was designed for those working with children ages 5-12.

These courses are required every 5 years.

2.B.6 Environment rating tool training: To meet this requirement 50% of teaching must take training on the environment rating tool for the age of children they teach.

Infant/Toddler teachers: ITERS (Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale)

Preschool teachers: ECERS (Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale)

School-age teachers: SACERS (School-Age Care Environment Rating Scale)

These courses are required every 5 years.

You may find a list of required courses and current courses for all Better Beginnings required trainings at this link:

FORM B of the application: When 50% of your teaching staff have completed the required trainings listed above, check the "yes" box for the requirement for "Teaching staff meet level 2 training requirements."

FORM C of the application: Record the date your teaching staff completed each required training. You do not need to submit copies of PDR transcripts, your Better Beginnings Specialist will check PDR records for your teaching staff.

This image shows where this requirement is listed on FORM B. See page 26 in the BB guide for more information.

2.C.1 All classroom spaces have a minimum of 2 clearly defined interest centers.

An interest center contains materials for certain types of play and an appropriate space for such play. Organizing materials into centers supports children's play and helps children more easily find what they need.

Do a tour of your program to make sure that each classroom has at least 2 interest centers. Take pictures of each room. These will be submitted with your PAS portfolio.

FORM B of the application: After you have confirmed that each classroom has at least 2 learning centers, check the "yes" box for requirement 2.C.1.

This image shows where this requirement is listed on FORM B. See pages 26 in the BB guide for more information.

Sample Lesson Plans

2.C.2 and 2.C.3: Written daily plans for each group include all areas of development (including physical/movement activities) as defined by the AR Child Development Early Learning Standards (CDELS).

Two weeks of lesson plans for each age group (infants, toddlers, preschool, and school-age) will be submitted with your application.

Lesson plans do not have to be complicated or lengthy, but should:

  • include all hours that care is provided,

  • take into consideration the ages, interests, and abilities of the children

  • guide the teachers as they work with children throughout the day

Sample lesson plans for each age group are provided below.

Form B of the application: When you have made copies of two weeks of lesson plans for each age group, check the "yes" box for requirements 2.C.2 and 2.C.3.

Two weeks of current Lesson Plans for each age group should be attached to your application when you submit it.

This image shows where this requirement is listed on FORM B. See page 28 in the BB Guide for more information.

2.D.1: The facility scores an average of 3.0 on ERS assessment.

Better Beginnings uses environment rating tools to assess the quality of care provided in each classroom.

  • Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale, ITERS (ages birth through 30 months)

  • Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, ECERS (ages 2 ½ through 5 years)

  • School-Age Environment Rating Scale, SACERS (ages 5 through 12 years)

Level 2 applicants are required to have classroom assessments for each age group using the appropriate ERS tool.

After your application is reviewed by the Better Beginnings Specialist, it will be sent to A-State Childhood Servies for ERS reviews. Your ERS assessor will contact you to give you a 60-day window for your assessments. An average score of 3.0 is required on ERS assessments.

Images and self-assessments for each of these tools are provided below.

FORM B of the application: When you are certain that all of your classrooms are ready for an ERS assessment, check the "yes" box for requirement 2.D.1.

These books can be purchased from any online book seller. Look for ITERS-3, ECERS-3, and SACERS-U pictured here.

ITERS 3 Materials Only List april 2021 rr.pdf
ITERS-R Self-Assessment.pdf
ecers-3 materials checklist (1).pdf
ECERS-3 Self Assessment.pdf
SACERS-U Self-Assessment.pdf

This image shows where this requirement is listed on FORM B. See page 29 of the BB Guide for more information.

Picture of Sample Family Bulletin Board

2.E.1: Facility documents distribution of AR Kids First information to uninsured families.

2.E.2: Facility shares with families information about child development and on children's health.

This information can be shared in different ways. You may have a family bulletin board or a table with resources for families. Or you might share information in a welcome packet that you give families when they enroll their child or at the beginning of each year. It's up to you.

Below are samples that can be used, but you are encouraged to find and share resources that are meaningful to the families you serve. Take pictures of these items to show how they are shared with families. These will be submitted with your PAS portfolio.

FORM B of the application: After you have shared the required information with families, check the "yes" box for requirements 2.E.1 and 2.E.2 on the checklist.

2.E.1 Your Medical Home.pdf
CDC development is a journey.pdf

You've completed the checklist! Now, it's time to finish your application.

When you have checked all the boxes on the FORM B checklist, it's time to submit the application.

FORM A of the application: Fill in your program's contact information and details about your program, your enrollment, national accreditation (if applicable), and funding sources and program type.

Update FORM C to make sure all staff are included and information is current.

Attach your Strengthening Families Verification of Completion and 2 weeks of current lesson plans for each age group. No other attachments are needed.


When your application is ready, send it to the Better Beginnings Unit at the DHS Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education.

Applications can be mailed or emailed to the addresses listed below. The addresses are also on the application form.


Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education

Attn: Better Beginnings

PO Box 1437, Slot S150

Little Rock, AR 72203-1437


You will receive an email notification that your application has been received. The staff in the Better Beginnings Unit will review it.

If there are any questions or if additional documents are needed, the Better Beginnings Unit will call or email you. .

Finally, the Better Beginnings Unit will email you to let you know that you have earned Better Beginnings certification. Congratulations!

If you need assistance, please contact us at

YOU can do this, we can help!

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