Regional Forms - Quirlicorns

Regional Form - 5 USD

Quirlicorns unlock a special regional form at 80 chime and a special Astral form at 700 chime

No matter how many pieces of the regional form was chosen whether it's just wings or All , prices remains the same.

5 USD - I edit the import image with the new regional form
10 USD - You will get a flat fullbody design of the quirl's regional form
15 USD - You get both an import version, and a flat fullbody version of regional form

Windy/Mountain - Wings
Icy - Fish Tail
Plains - Gems

Icy - Fish Tail
Desert - Fire Mane

Mountain - Sci-fi Wings

Windy/Mountain - Feather Wing/Bone Wing
Astral - Galaxy Tail

Windy/Mountain - Bat/Dragon Wings
Icy - Fish Tail
Swamp - Fins on Face/Extending Along Spine