
1. Prerequisite

For Linux Devian/Ubuntu users, the above packages can be easily installed with the package manager. 

Just type the following commands in a terminal:

2. Installation

git clone

2. Set a 'python3.10 virtual environment (venv)' to a directory created

cd baygaud-PI

python3.10 -m venv .

Then, activate the venv.

For bash and zsh:

source ./bin/activate

Or for tcsh:

source ./bin/activate.csh

(FYI, to deactivate, just type 'deactivate')

3. Install the python3.10 packages for baygaud-PI.

First, upgrade to the latest version if needed.

pip install --upgrade pip

Then, install the python3.10 packages using the list in the directory

python3.10 -m pip install -r requiremtns.txt

Now it should install the modules required for the baygaud-PI python3.10 environment.

Note that these packages are only compatible within the venv that has been created.

4. (Optional) Install python3.10-tk for

sudo apt install python3.10-tk

This is not needed to run the BAYGAUD itself. 

Now we're ready to go

3. Quick start