How To Teach Your Dog To Talk Using Buttons

Welcome to the wild world of teaching your furry best friend to speak using buttons! With a few tools and patience, your pup can learn to communicate their wants, needs, and even thoughts through a series of taps and presses. Not only is it an entertaining party trick, but it also strengthens your bond with your dog and can help with their overall mental stimulation. Grab some treats and get ready for a talking pet.

What Is Button Communication?

Button communication is a relatively new way to train your pets. Essentially, you purchase a set of buttons with preprogrammed speech sounds or words. The words are usually simple, like "outside" or "walk," but they can get more advanced, incorporating names and locations. Some people even claim their pets learn to produce simple sentences with enough time and patience.

The Brightkins Talking Pet Starter Set Dog Trainer is the perfect setup for those who are new to the training. The set includes four recordable buttons and a step-by-step guide by Christina Hunger, a speech-language pathologist and the first person to teach a dog to use augmentative communication.

Brightkins Talking Pet Starter Set Dog Trainer

How Do You Train a Talking Pet?

Training your pet to "talk" is challenging. Like any new trick, it takes time and practice. That said, because the process is not 100% new, there are many people to learn from and several techniques you can use to make the process as straightforward as possible. You will need to learn a basic four-step process that will take you and your pup from complete beginners to push-button talking wizards.

Preparation: Get To Know Your Pup

To prepare for the training, you need to get to know your pup and determine the best place for the Brightkins Talking Pet Button Mat. Every dog is unique; their temperament and learning styles vary. You must pay attention to what motivates your pup and what discourages them. For example, some dogs benefit from active play, while others prefer treats as rewards.

Brightkins Talking Pet Button Mat

The location of the mat is also paramount because it should remain in one area throughout training and beyond. Your dog will make a connection to the location of the mat and the buttons, especially in the early stages.

Set-Up: Choose Words and Praise Carefully

When starting out, you want to avoid bombarding your pet with buttons and words or phrases. It is best to start training with a single command and button and only add to that when your dog masters it. An excellent place to start is with the Brightkins Talking Pet Essential Words Set, which comes with six pre-recorded speech buttons, including "walk," "eat," "play," "outside," "water," and "love you."

Brightkins Talking Pet Essential Words Set

When teaching the first command and all future commands, choose praise carefully. In many instances, you can use the word as a praised activity. For example, if your dog pushes the "walk" button, give some love and praise while putting on their leash to take them outside for their well-deserved walk.

Practice and Patience: Remember Schedules Are Your Friend

The best way for your dog to learn is through repetition and regular practice. You want to spend some time every day modeling the behavior you want your pet to do. For example, if you are starting with the "outside" command, sit your pup in front of the buttons, say outside, press the button, and then take your dog outside. Repeat the process several times before helping them press the button.

Soon, you can say outside and have your dog press the button. With enough practice, your pet will start pushing the button on its own when they need to go out.

Growth: Push the Boundaries of What Your Think Is Possible

As your pet progresses through the initial set of commands, gaining more confidence, you can start to think about enhancing the training and pushing the boundaries. You can invest in the Brightkins Talking Pet Next Words Set (Names) or the Brightkins Talking Pet Next Words Set (Locations), giving your dog even more options to express itself. Remember, you want to progress with the training slowly, ensuring your dog understands one word or phrase before moving on to the next.

What To Do About An Anxious Pet?

An anxious dog might have a hard time learning to talk using buttons, so it might be a better idea to use a single control with a simple alert. The Brightkins Talking Pet Doorbell Dog Trainer is easier to learn because it focuses on only the press of a button. When your dog wants to go outside, it can push the button with its paw or snout, and the button makes a doorbell sound to alert you. The single-button system might be easier for dogs to grasp initially.

Brightkins Talking Pet Doorbell Dog Trainer

How Do You Handle a Misstep in Training?

Sometimes, a dog will make tremendous gains only to revert or lose interest in the buttons. It is normal. That said, the important thing is to continue with regular training. A loss of progress is usually only a temporary setback, so don't let it get to you.

Teaching your dog to speak using buttons is a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your furry best friend. By investing in the Brightkins Talking Pet Starter Set and following the four-step process, you can train your pet to communicate their wants and needs effectively. Remember to be patient, choose your words and praise carefully, and practice regularly. With time and effort, your pet can become a push-button talking wizard.