Gavin de Becker -- The Gift of Fear (amazon)
Mike Bond -- Revolution (amazon)
Joanna Bourke -- Fear: A Cultural History (amazon)
Thomas Crum -- Three Deep Breaths: Finding Power and Purpose in a Stressed-Out World (amazon)
James Earls -- Born to Walk: Myofascial Efficiency and the Body in Movement (amazon)
Rickson Gracie, Peter Maguire -- Breathe: A Life in Flow (amazon)
Jack Kerouac -- The Dharma Bums (amazon)
Al Lee -- Perfect Breathing: Transform Your Life One Breath at a Time (amazon)
Bruce H. Lipton -- The Biology of Belief (amazon)
Henry Miller -- The Air-Conditioned Nightmare (amazon)
Oliver Sacks -- A Leg to Stand On (amazon)
Alvin Toffler -- Future Shock (amazon)