Right now what I do to find the node is take a screenshot of the combos screen, then go into crew retrieval and use the polestars there to test out which combinations of the hidden traits each node could be. The problem with this method is that non portal crew don't show up, and takes a while to do. I know some people look through datacore or BigBook but I haven't found tools there that work well there for searching out crew.

So has anyone else made a tool where i can input the nodes and possible traits and have it tell me all possible crew for the nodes. If that doesn't exist yet, is there a tool where I can just type in multiple traits and see the matching crew. It should be possible to make, the import page of the Do Not Airlock spreadsheet has the traits of each crew listed in the AF column, so it might be possible to create a program there, but I dont remember enough about programing in excel.

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A battle record, also often called a battle tool[1] or battle breaks, is a vinyl record made up of brief samples from songs, film dialogue, sound effects, and drum loops for use by a DJ. The samples and drum loops are used for scratching and performances by turntablists. The most famous example of this format is Super Duck Breaks, a 1996 release by "The Turntablist," a pseudonym of DJ Babu.[2]

Very nice tool , I see several hours work in that piece , with materials it,sgonna be a minimum of $200 if I build something like that . I hope he can getthem out there definitely a well thought out tool and design that will provideyears of service in a builders hands .

The semiconductor ecosystem today can be seen as a triangle, says Mike Demler, a consultant who has been in the chip design and EDA industry for over 40 years. On one corner are the foundries, or chip manufacturers like TSMC; on another corner are intellectual-property companies like ARM, which make and sell reusable design units or layouts; and on the third corner are the EDA tools. All three together make sure the supply chain moves smoothly.

The restricted tools are those that can be used for GAAFET (gate-all-around field-effect transistor) architecture, the most advanced circuit structure today, which is critical to making the latest chips and more advanced ones in the future. The Commerce Department is still seeking public comment to identify which EDA software is most helpful in achieving this specific structure and therefore should be added to the list.

However, blocking the export of software is very different from blocking the export of bulky hardware like lithography machines, which are impossible to smuggle into China because they are so traceable. EDA software tools are distributed online, so they can be pirated.

This tool intended to build user understanding of the techniques involved in the dissemination of disinformation. This game exposes players to fake news tactics used against them by putting them in the position of a news baron for fake news. Players win by publishing headlines that attract the most followers.

CaptainFact is a web-based collection of tools designed for collaborative verification of internet content. It includes a browser extension that provides a video overlay to internet videos with sources and contextual information, as well as icons showing the credibility based on user votes. It also has a "debate platform" that allows for discussions of specific points. While currently focused on video, they are developing a tool to provide a similar overlay to articles.

ClaimBuster is a web-based automated, live fact-checking tool developed by University of Texas at Arlington. The tool relies on natural language processing and supervised learning (based on a human-coded dataset) to identify factual and false information. There is also an app available for Slack.

Climate Feedback is a web-based content annotation tool that allows scientists to annotate articles to provide additional context and draw attention to inaccuracies. The process results in a credibility score.

This tool allows for the crowdsourced verification of claims submitted by university students. Students submit claims and then work along with other students at participating organizations to collect relevant information, viewpoints, and evidence about that claim. All information about a claim is stored and all submitted claims and questions are crowdsourced.

DIRT is a blockchain verification tool that allows communities to moderate data, such that anyone is able to add data to the platform and any user can then challenge that data. Users earn tokens by identifying and correcting errors. Thus, there is an economic incentive for data to always be improving and for inaccurate data to be removed from the platform.

The Global Disinformation Index is a web-based tool that rates news outlets based on the "probability of disinformation on a specific media outlet." This rating system will cover all types of media, and will be a real time score.

The Duke Videofactchecking Tool is a browser extension that will provide live factchecking of information on television. It was assessed by the developers using user-based experiments. Users generally liked having the pop-ups generated by this tool, although they differed on whether they preferred getting a "rating" or just the raw factual information.

Emergent.Info is a web-based tool that tracks, verifies, or debunks rumors and conspiracies online. Rumors are suggested by individuals on the site, and then staff review and determine whether the claim is verified or false.

This tool shows users the advertisements on their Facebook feeds and guesses which ones are political. It also shows users political advertisements aimed at other users. All political ads that are collected are put into a database that is publicly available.

This tool intended to build user skills in identifying false information in a gameified format. Using a Tinder-like format, players swipe left or right depending on if they think the news presented is real or fake. Users can get hints by looking at the source of the article. Players earn points and can progress through several levels.

This tool intended to build user skills in identifying false information in a gameified format. Using a retro, 1980's arcade game setup, players see headlines and have to guess if they are fake or real by swiping to the left or right in a Tinder-like fashion. High scores get recorded to a global leaderboard.

FakerFact is an artificial intelligence tool that assesses the purpose and characteristics of information. Ratings include agenda-driven, journalism, wiki, opinion, satire. The tool does not rate an article as true or false, but rather provides an assessment of its purpose and its objectivity.

Fakey is a web-based interactive educational tool designed to improve media literacy. It presents news stories that incorporate characteristics of clickbait, fake news, conspiracy theories, etc. Users are then asked to choose to share, hide, or fact-check that information. The goal is to provide users with experience identifying true v. false information.

Forensically is a web-based collection of tools that can be used for "digital image forensics." Some functionalities include magnifying functions, clone detection, error level analysis, noise analysis, level sweep, and many more.

Hamilton 2.0 is a web-based dashboard that provides real-time information on Russian propaganda and disinformation online. It does so by tracking hundreds of Russian-linked Twitter accounts that are related to influencing information in the United States and Europe. The tool provides analysis of the narratives and topics promoted by the Russian government and state-backed media on Twitter, YouTube, broadcast television, and state-sponsored news websites.

Hoaxy is a web-based tool that visualizes the spread of articles online. Hoaxy searches for claims and fact-checking going back to 2016. It tracks the sharing of links to stories from low-credibility sources and independent fact-checking organizations. It also calculates a bot score, which is a measure of the likely level of automation. Overall, the IU Observatory on Social Media is interested in studying and better understanding how information is shared online. They are also interested in studying how social media affects public discourse.

The Iffy Quotient is a web-based tool that uses NewsWhip to query Facebook and Twitter and identify URLs that are known to be biased or to be frequent reporters of false information. The tool then calculates the percentage of URLs on each site that are "iffy," or known for reporting false or misleading information.

This tool is an archive of publicly available and attributed data from known online information operations from public and non-deleted tweets on Twitter and Reddit attributed to Russian and Iranian actors. The archive currently consists of over 10 million messages from Russian and Iranian state-sponsored influence operations on Twitter and Reddit, and will be updated on an ongoing basis.

MediaBugs is a service for reporting and correcting specific errors and problems in media coverage. Once a problem is reported, the tool administrators try to engage the journalist or organization and work towards correction. The tool provides a neutral, civil, moderated discussion space, which can serve forum for debate and discussion.

BitPress's Misinformation Detector is a web-based "decentralized trust protocol" blockchain tool that is designed to track the credibility of news in a transparent manner. The tool measures trust by analyzing the content and what it is linked to, establishing a network of how the content is spread across media organizations. All media sources are given trust rankings, and thus the association between content and specific sources can affect the trust rankings of other sources. The tool includes fact-checking services, using a combination of human fact-checker and blockchain technology. Journalists and publishers can sign up to be partners. e24fc04721

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