The Double Dragon series has a spotty history. The original games set the standard for side-scrolling beat 'em ups during their 1980s heyday, but sinc then the series has been incredibly hit-or-miss, with acclaimed titles like Double Dragon Neon sharing the spotlight with rubbish like the Wander of the Dragons remake. Double Dragon Trilogy ($5.99), a PC game that arrives courtesy of Steam, gives gamers a taste of the iconic street-brawling arcade action. The games are just as enjoyable as they were back in the day, and publisher DotEmu has enhanced the trilogy to take advantage of the Steam platform. At the same time, however, odd emulation oversights and changes create holes in Double Dragon Trilogy's armor, devaluing what could have been a more-impressive package.

Double Dragon 3 Issues

 The original Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone is a different beast than its predecessors. This was the oddball title in the arcade trilogy, with a radically different art style and silly supernatural story. It also featured a deviously clever credit system that was quite unlike any arcade game of its time. You could feed the cabinet coins whenever you entered an in-game shop, which let you buy power-ups and extra lives. Think of it as an arcade version of a free-to-play cash shop.

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If you've done it correctly you will see the girl perform another ending.Contributed By: Drunky 1  0

Humorous Comments AMIEnter "Neil Harding" at the high score screen to receive humorous secret messages from the programmers.Contributed By: iamtheprodigy 2  1

SecretsBypass Level 2 Boss NESAt the end of Mission 2, as soon as the end-boss comes out of the door, climb down the ladder. After descending a second or third story, you should hear the sound of victory. Your opponent has been defeated and you can move on to the Mission 3! Contributed By: HostileFire 17  0

Unlimited Continues SMSImmediately upon entering Round 4, perform between 20 and 30 leaping kicks. You won't be alerted to the fact, but you will now have as many credits as you'll need to save your girlfriend.Contributed By: NeuroticDogg 12  7

Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone CheatsCodesCheat Codes GENAt the title screen, press the following for the desired affect:EffectCodeStart with 4 playersA, Down, A, Up, Right, AStart with katanaB, Down, C, Right, A, BStart with nunchucksA, Up, B, Left, C, LeftContributed By: _0blivion_ 16  19

Continue in Level 4 or 5 NESIf you die in levels 4 or 5, on the Game Over screen, enter the following button combination to continueEffectCodeContinue on levels 4 or 5Up, Down, Left, Right, B, A, StartContributed By: TerrisUS 20  15

Invincibility CPCOn the menu screen, type in the word SALVATORE. You'll hear a chime sound if entered correctly. Your character will then be immune to enemy damage.

If you quit the game and return to the menu, the cheat will deactivate, and you'll need to re-enter the code again.EffectCodeInvincibilitySALVATOREContributed By: jimfish 5  3

New Menu GENEnter the following code when the brick wall scrolls in the biginning of the game.... 


A + B + C 


A new menu should appear giving you many new optionsContributed By: mike_tru 6  2

Skipping Every Game NESIn the Nes Version. if Hold B + Start the same time or A + Start it will instant next floor and mission too.Contributed By: Anonymous, DeadwoodC 23  17

Unlimited Coins AMIPress "P" during gameplay to pause the game, then press [F5] nine times. When you press "P" to begin the game again, you will have unlimited coins.Contributed By: iamtheprodigy 2  4

PasswordsUnlimited energy C64Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC command before running or restarting the program.EffectPasswordUnlimited energyPOKE 37025,234 POKE 37026,234 POKE 37027,234 POKE 37045,234 POKE 37046,234Contributed By: Dragon_King_187 8  1

GlitchesHow to double your single player NESYou must be in 2-player mode where you can hit one another. In the first stage of the game, defeat the first horde of enemies and then proceed to beat either Billy or Jimmy to death. When the character is in the blinking death animation phase go talk to the man and it will bring the dead character back to life with one hit left. After the man is done talking and dies, defeat the rest of the horde with both characters alive and walk out the door.When you reappear, the fallen character that you killed before talking to the dying man will no longer be on the screen but if you go to the selection screen where you can equip the nunchuk, you can now select Billy or Jimmy so that you have an extra chance in single player mode (making the game much MUCH easier considering the difficulty and lack of gaining a continue until very late in the game).Contributed By: slightlord 10  7

SecretsTwice the Kick NESYou must be in 2 player mode. Have Billy and Jimmy Lee stand next to each other and use the Cyclone Spin-Kick. Both characters will lock arms, back to back, and the kick will be twice as long and powerful.Contributed By: SteveBlackman 13  3

Double Dragon II: The Revenge CheatsCodesContinue NESAt the Game Over screen, enter the following codes very quickly to make the continue screen appear. You only have once chance to enter the cheat, and you cannot mess up and restart the code. If a mistake is made, the continue screen will not appear.EffectCodeContinue from stages 2 and 3.Press Up, Right, Down, Left, A, B.Continue from stages 4, 5, and 6.Press Up, Down, Left, Right, B, A, A.Continue from stages 7, 8, and 9.Press A, A, B, B, Down, Up, Right, Left, on Controller 2.Contributed By: ReyVGM 50  49

Level Select TCDEffectCodeLevel SelectAt the title screen press Button I, Button II, Button I, Button II, RunContributed By: steamliner88 9  4

Level Skip TCDEffectCodeLevel SkipPause the game and hold Button I + Button II + Select and unpause the gameContributed By: steamliner88 8  5

Sprite Test TCDAt the title screen, press II, I, II, I, Run. The Sprite Test should appear right away.Contributed By: ReyVGM 4  3

Unlimited Lives AMIBegin a two-player game, and press [Esc] + Fire on both joysticks at the same time.Contributed By: iamtheprodigy 6  0

Visual Test Menu TCDAt the title screen, hold Button 1 + Button 2 + Select, wait until the screens starts fading into the intro and just before the screen goes totally black, hold the Start button. If done right, instead of going into the intro, it will go into the Visual Test Menu.Contributed By: ReyVGM 2  0

PasswordsUnlimited lives C64Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC command before running or restarting the program.EffectPasswordUnlimited lives(player one)POKE 46537,173Unlimited lives(player two)POKE 46553,173Contributed By: Dragon_King_187 3  0

GlitchesHelicopter glitch NESWhen playing the stage that you are inside the helicopter, there is a way to make the door close as soon as it opens. After it opens, just pause the game and leave it paused for about 10 or so seconds, and then unpause the game. After unpausing the game, the door should close, saving you the hassle of worrying about getting sucked out, and you can just concentrate on the enemies.Contributed By: Saikyo_Mog 19  7

Easter EggsTurn screen upside down AMIPress [Esc] and then type "yep, i changed the cheat mode on this version", and press [Enter] at the title screen. Begin gameplay and the screen will be flipped upside down.Contributed By: iamtheprodigy 2  0

SecretsExtra Lives NESChoose the ''2 Player'' game where you are able to knock out the other player (mode B is the one that introduces friendly fire). Once the first screen of foes is defeated, knock out the other player. Each time you defeat the other player, you get a 1UP.

If you are playing with two players, you can also use this to your advantage. When both players are low on health, kill each other because finishing off the other player gives you an extra life. Both players will break even on lives but how have full health. If one player has only one life remaining, that player should kill the other player first.Contributed By: Dallas, IntyLab 32  7

$(document).ready(function(){$('.content_ratings.voted').attr('title','You have already voted on this item.');$('.content_ratings.mycode').attr('title','You can not vote on your own contribution.');$('.content_ratings').tooltip({ position: { my: "left+0 center", at: "right+15 center" }, tooltipClass:'tooltip'});});function cheat_vote(code_id, cur_vote, vote){$.ajax({type: 'POST',url: '/ajax/gamespace_item_vote',data: { vote: vote, id: code_id, type: 'code', key: 'a211dec4' },success: function(response){var d = $.parseJSON(response);if(d.success){$('#'+code_id+'c'+vote).addClass('myvote');$('#'+code_id+'c'+vote+' span').text(cur_vote+1);$('.content_ratings.c'+code_id+' span').removeAttr('onclick');}}});}Know Something We Don't?You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge.

Multiplayer is possible via local Bluetooth support, so be prepared to have your partner sitting close to you if you want to fullly experience the double in Double Dragon. Over Bluetooth, the game runs smoothly with no hiccups or lag that might lead to your player taking a random cheap punch. People have spent 26 years playing two-player Double Dragon shoulder to shoulder with a friend. While the lack of online multiplayer is a disappointment, at least we get a two-player mode. e24fc04721

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