is there a way to show battery levels of all my Apple devices on my MacBook? The menu bar only displays the MacBook's battery percentage. I'd love a widget or feature to quickly see my iPhone, AirPods, and Apple Watch battery levels without checking each one separately.

Most solutions online involve third-party apps or complex setups. Any native or built-in methods out there? Hidden feature or shortcut, perhaps?

However, with the mouse over it, the applet says: Keine Akkus verfgbar, => no batteries availiable. But it is a notebook and has two batteries and the login screen (the one you get after suspend2ram) includes the percentage of power.

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i'm working on a battery widget but have problems updating the battery leveloften enough. I Would love to update the widget every time the battery percentage changes. But from all the reading i have done, this looks to be impossible. I tried requesting a new timeline both every 5 min and every 15 min with no luck. I see some apps on the AppStore have a battery indicator and it updates quite often. Any clues to have they accomplishes this? I see some people talking about using background fetch. That can't be the best way? I have included my code, maybe i have implemented it wrong?Tanks for any feedback on this!

For my laptop, I have a fair few peripherals connected via Bluetooth; keyboard, 2x mice, Surface Pen, sometimes headphones and sometimes but rarely an Xbox controller. All of these devices report their battery percentage in Bluetooth Settings, mostly only in increments of 10% but it's still really helpful. Since I use so many Bluetooth devices, I'm looking for an easier way to see how much charge they have left, maybe like a Start menu tile or a something for the application tray on my taskbar. Essentially I want to see battery % of connected Bluetooth devices without having to open the whole settings page.

I've found one website which points towards a piece of software that seems to do what I want, but it's not free and appears to be hit or miss: How to view battery percentage for Bluetooth devices on Windows 10 (

Chronus Information Widgets is an app with a bunch of various types of widgets. You can find battery widgets, clock widgets, calendar widgets, to-do list widgets, and other types of widgets. The premium version adds stuff like Twitter, Reddit, stock alerts, and more. The widgets themselves look pretty nice. They can be pretty big to house a lot of information, or smaller if you need something simpler. Everything is also highly customizable. This is an excellent all-in-one solution even if you have to pay for some of the features.

Weather and Clock Widget is a step in another direction. This one focuses primarily on delivering the weather along with some small extras. Included in those extras is a battery monitor, Thus, you can get the weather, your battery percentage, the time, and the date all in a single place. Some folks like these all-in-one solutions and this is one of my excellent weather widgets with a battery component. This one has 50 million downloads and is also free. The main app has ads, but the widgets are quite nice.

I thought that it would be quite nice to have a widget that shows the Battery percentage and probably some other information for your headphones that go along with the Soundcore app like the Liberty 2nd Gen Headphones.

Do you need an actual percentage? My bluetooth widget shows battery guage when connected to all the devices I own. It might even show percentage if I select more info. I will try it later. (LG V35 is my device)

of course, I been using them all night and day. I left work last night because I was sick and been listening to music and watching movies since. these really do have a great battery life, so far using one earbud i have managed almost 12 hours of use at 70%.

Do you know whether pmset -g batt also return an estimated time or just the percentage? I'll have to check the logic again but possibly BTT waits until the estimation is complete. If that's true I'll change it for widgets that just show the percentage and not the time.

But could you possibly add an option to not show 0 in beginning of percentage. i.e. it shows 09% now and not 9%. It's a bit strange it does that, I'd love for it to just show the percent number left. So it's clean.

Not during field use. At present, the only place you can see the actual battery level as a percentage is on the "charging screen". You can only see this when the device is actively charging AND you turn the device off.

You can also place a battery level field on any screen which has customizable field content. However, this is just a larger version of the "analog" battery icon in the status bar. It still does not show the actual percentage.

I was not able to locate any battery widget compatible with the 66i on that site. Am I missing something. The only ones I can find are Data Fields which do not provide enough information other that battery %. Thanks

The battery icon in your iPhone's status bar gives you a visual idea of how much power is left, and there's a battery percentage option you can switch to or view in the Control Center, depending on your model. But what you may not know is that...

When that device is unavailable (like when AirPods are in the charging case or Apple Watch is turned off), the batteries widget will fade but still remain dimly visible on the Lock Screen. (image below)

Due to this limitation, Apple set the batteries widget to automatically display the battery percentage according to what it thinks is useful. But at the same time, making the widgets non-interactable is annoying. Tapping, pressing, or swiping the batteries widget to show the battery status of other devices would have been a super handy addition in iOS 16.

Or, what I have done is add two battery widgets on the Lock Screen: One always shows the iPhone battery percentage, and another one is set to Automatic. Depending on what iOS thinks fit, the Automatic widget shuffles the battery level of my AirPods and Apple Watch. For me, this is a satisfactory setup. But, when Apple Watch is off and AirPods in the case, I have two battery widgets on the iPhone Lock Screen showing the iPhone battery percentage!

When you right-click the panel item and click Properties, a box should appear giving you options of what show: time, percentage etc. You must right-click, not left-click. I know it works because I am doing it as I write this. @anon88624618 is right in what he is saying too.

2: See the battery percentage of the Galaxy Buds case in the widget even if the case is closed. I think this would be possible with the Galaxy Buds2 Pro as they support UWB. I know a certain other company does something similar with their newest AirPods.

It's a big day for software updates, as Android 12L, March's security patch, and a new Feature Drop for Pixels are hitting phones right now. And while the Pixel 6 and 6 Pro are facing yet another delay, here's the good news: you don't have to wait to get some of the best new features on your device right now. A long-in-the-works battery widget is spreading to users right now.

First teased way, way back in the days of Android 12 Beta 1, this new battery widget shows the current percentages of your phone plus any connected devices, including headphones, wearables, and more. It doesn't have the exact look it was initially teased with last year, however, which could disappoint some fans. Early screenshots showed off a grid-based UI, complete with bar graphs that grouped certain devices together.

As for how the widget actually works, I'm pretty impressed. Tapping on the "Pixel 6" listing took me directly to the battery display in settings, while pressing either of the Pixel Buds opened the "Connected devices" menu. That's pretty handy, and helps to make it more than just a pretty list. Oh, and, of course, it features full support for Material You's dynamic themes.

It seems like this feature is still rolling out to devices, but it shouldn't be long until all Pixel users have it. I spotted the widget on my Pixel 6 running Android 12L beta 3 under the new "Settings services" category. Hopefully, it won't be long until it's on every supported device.

I have just switched to a Lubuntu computer from Windows - I have never used any Ubuntu or non-Windows platform before and I am having some difficulties. One issue is that there is no battery icon on the panel at the bottom of the screen.

Has the same behavior as DJIGO's element. 1. The text inside white bubble shows the remaining flight time in minutes and seconds. 2. The middle line stretches along the width of the widget represents remaining battery percentage of the aircraft. If remaining battery is 100%, the line will cover the whole width of widget. If remaining battery is 0%, the line will disappear.

1. Return to your Android Home Screen.

2. Long press on the desktop and select add widget (or whatever other fashion you use to add widgets to your desktop)

3. Select Task (with the Tasker icon).

4. On the Tasker screen, select the task entitled "Battery" from the drop down list.

5. Click the icon selection button (lower right hand corner beside the "Options" menu (Screwdriver/Wrench)

6. Select an icon for the widget.

6. Click the check mark on the "Widget/Battery" screen

1. Open Tasker.

2. From the "Profiles" tab, press "+".

3. Name the profile "Battery" and from the "First Context" menu, select "Time".

4. De-Select the "From" box, de-select the "To" box, and select the "Repeat:" box

5. Set the frequency you wish to update the battery status (I used 2 min).

5. Click the check mark.

6. On the "Task Selection" prompt, choose the "Battery" task. ff782bc1db

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