For a vector or other random-access container, it makes little difference. I would probably choose the second because it's easier to read, and is probably marginally faster since there's only one loop variable to update. Another alternative is:

Here is a solution using zip_iterator and counting_iterator from the Boost.Iterator library. It is probably way overkill for your use case, but it has the advantages of working with any range (not only vectors) and to fit it nicely with the iterator-based design of standard algorithms, so I post it here:

Download Vector You Don 39;t Know


This will not compile. But it doesn't really matter, because as long as we are talking about std::vector then accessing by index is a simple pointer arithmetic and dereference - so in reality as fast as with the iterator. So your version 2 is OK.

The default constructed vector, as in the example above creates an empty vector. Accessing elements outside of the range of the vector is Undefined Behavior. And don't expect to get a nice exception. Undefined behavior means anything can happen: the program might crash or might seem to work or might work in a wonky way. Please note that using reserve doesn't change the actual size of the vector, i.e. you can't access elements outside of the size of the vector, even if you reserved for them.

This has the disadvantage that reallocations will occur as you push back elements. This means memory allocation, elements move (or copy if they are non-movable, or for pre c++11) and memory deallocation (with object destruction). This will most likely happen more than once for an n decently big. It is worth noting that it is guaranteed "amortized constant" for push_back which means that it won't do reallocations after each push_back. Each reallocation will increase the size geometrically. Further read: std::vector and std::string reallocation strategy

This is the best method to use. As you provide all the information needed in the constructor, it will make the most efficient allocation + assignment. This has the potential to result in branchless code, with vectorized instructions for assignments if Entry has a trivial copy constructor.

If you know ahead what the size is, then you should initialize it so that memory is only allocated once. If you only have a rough idea of the size, then instead of allocating the storage as above, you can create the vector with the default constructor and then reserve an amount that is approximately correct; e.g.

You initialize the size when you have a good idea of the number of elements that you need to store in the vector. If you are retrieving data from database or other source for instance that you know has 1000 elements in it then it makes sense to go ahead and allocate the vector with an internal array that will hold that much data. If you don't know up front what the needed size will be then it might be ok to just let the vector grow as needed over time.

There is no general "good ways" to determine what a good size to start off would be. It depends on the information you possess about the task. But in any case you can use some initial allocation if you are sure that new elements will be added to the vector.

Vector graphics software like Adobe Illustrator uses the information from these formulas to determine what areas to fill in and in what color. Because a vector uses math to draw shapes using points, lines, and curves, it can be scaled infinitely and still appear crisp.

If you have a vector file, you can almost always create a raster file from it for use on the web. Raster images will appear crisp as long as they match the exact dimensions needed, for example as a Facebook page cover photo.

Unlike vectors, raster images are a composite of colored pixels (think of these as the building blocks to a picture) that together make up an image. For this reason, a raster image will look pixelated if dramatically resized. 

First, try asking around. Your marketing/design department may already have the vector files on hand. If the graphic was created by a professional graphic designer, they can also give you the vector files.

Let $V$ be a (complex, finite-dimensional) vector space. Suppose that two (finite) groups $A$ and $B$ act on $V$. Furthermore, suppose that these actions commute, so that the direct product $A \times B$ also acts on $V$.

Also, it is known that every irreducible representation of a direct product of groups $A \times B$ is of the form $V_i \otimes V_j'$, where $V_i$ is irreducible for $A$ and $V_j'$ is irreducible for $B$.

My question is : If I know the two decompositions of $V$ as both a representation of $A$ and of $B$, can I understand its decomposition $$ V = \bigoplus_{i,j} V_i \otimes V_j' $$ into irreducible representations of $A \times B$ in a simple way, or is it a hard problem in general?

The smallest counterexample is $A = B = C_2$ acting on a $2$-dimensional vector space $V$ such that, as a representation of either $A$ or $B$, $V$ decomposes as a direct sum of the trivial representation $1$ and the sign representation $-1$. This means that $V$ could be either $1 \otimes 1 + (-1) \otimes (-1)$ or $1 \otimes (-1) + (-1) \otimes 1$ (the $+$ here is a direct sum but I find writing direct sums and tensor products together annoying to read) and you can't tell which. You can construct a similar counterexample out of any pair of groups $A, B$ which both have non-isomorphic irreducibles of the same dimension.

Davis and colleagues also reported that MODV persists in the lungs of infected deer mice [55]. However, no evidence of horizontal transmission of virus was observed between infected and uninfected mice caged together for four weeks. A likely explanation for the lack of horizontal transmission is that the two groups of animals were housed together for an insufficient amount of time. As noted above, Fairbrother and Yuill [54] demonstrated that at least six weeks is required for MODV to disseminate to the lungs of infected mice. Horizontal transmission of MODV between infected and uninfected golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus; also known as Syrian hamsters) housed together for four weeks was also inefficient; virus-specific antibodies were detected in only one of 27 (3.7%) contact animals [56]. The potential for MODV to be horizontally transmitted between deer mice by cannibalism has been explored [55]. Uninfected mice were force-fed lung tissues from MODV-infected mice and assayed for virus-specific antibodies four weeks later. Antibodies were not detected in any mice indicating than cannibalism does not have an important role in the maintenance of NKV flaviviruses in nature. However, we cannot dismiss the possibility that the length of the study was not sufficient to detect a serological response in the mice. The potential for NKV flaviviruses to be sexually transmitted among reservoir hosts has not been explored.

Persistence: B-NKV flaviviruses persistently infect their chiropteran hosts. Mexican free-tailed bats with naturally-acquired RBV infections were held in the laboratory for extended amounts of time and periodically tested for virus [31]. RBV was isolated from saliva as long as 282 days post-capture and from salivary glands (but not brains, lungs or kidneys) upon euthanasia at 682 days post-capture. In a similar study, RBV was isolated from saliva collected from a naturally-infected Mexican free-tailed bat up until the time of euthanasia at 309 days post-capture [34]. Virus was also recovered from the salivary glands, but not the brain, lung, heart, kidney, intestine, spleen, pancreas, liver or reproductive organs. RBV was isolated from the salivary glands of 24 of 1075 (2.2%) naturally-infected Mexican free-tailed bats, but it is not known if any had chronic infections because they had been infected for an unknown amount of time [31]. Virus was also recovered from the lungs of one bat in this study, but all other organs (brains, kidneys and mammary glands) were negative. To our knowledge, saliva from RBV-infected bats has never been tested for antibodies to RBV. Taken together, the above findings indicate that the B-NKV flaviviruses persist in the salivary glands and saliva of their hosts.

OpenAI provided an article openai-cookbook/Question_answering_using_embeddings.ipynb at main  openai/openai-cookbook  GitHub how to create an embedding of a user query, match it against a local vector database ans provide the closest results as text to the context/memory.

Here I do struggle, since it might be very well possible that even we find the most matching documents locally in a vector database, context might still be too small if we would like to provide multiple matches.

The question to me is, how could I send all the relevant embedding vectors rather than the relevant texts which got matched to the vectors? These vectors are highly condensed and would save a lot of tokens. GPT would anyhow be able to understand the vector since they created it from their embeddings API, right?

Informational icons: These icons are not clickable. They describe or highlight information the user needs to know. They can replace text, add emphasis, or make a design more accessible.

Type2498766 15.9 KB

1) Size each icon

Once added, SVG icons will appear as a square frame with a vector inside. Resize each frame to match your default icon size. Choose a default icon size that is divisible by 4 or 8 so your icons will align with your base unit (e.g. 16x16, 20x20, 24x24).

Customize icon instances by applying size and color overrides. These overrides only affect the instance and do not update the main component. To apply overrides, edit the size of the icon or select the icon vector and choose a new fill color. ff782bc1db

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