Welcome !

I am responsible for responding to regional, national (ANR) and international (Horizon) tenders at KEDGE BS. This activity consists in finding partners to build a consortium, coordinating them in writing a budget proposal, calculating a budget. 

Since my arrival at KBS, I have responded to :


- 2 Horizon

- 1 Era Net

- 3 PIA


-Sustainability for companies: I focus on the carbon price (EU ETS - CBAM) and how it affects their competitiveness.

-Sustainability for associations: I'm interested in how sports organizations stay viable despite many challenges (covid, bad results....) 

-Sustainability for start-ups: I have worked on the determinants that lead a start-up to choose its required support among different types of crowdfunding.

For further details, you can download my CV: Here

Links : LinkedIn, The Conversation, RePEc