Project Updates
Project Update Week 1: (05/17/2018)
- Implemented a sample project to exercise the functionality of Wi-fi P2P. Successfully connected to another mobile device with Wifi P2P functionality and obtained the device address and id's required for further communication with the same device.
- Currently looking into transferring data between the devices and implementing UI changes in the layout possibly to map the discover and connect functions to separate buttons for ease of functionality.
- Our next focus will be on transferring data in real time and ensuring a proper communication channel needed to steadily transmit and receive data between two devices and extend the same functionality in connecting multiple devices on the same channel.
Project Update Week 2 : (05/25/2018)
- We found out that Wi-fi P2P is not a viable solution as most of the devices do not commonly support one to many connection. Hence we have chosen normal Wifi communication as the primary method for sharing data between clients and the server.
- Created a basic Server- client demo project and successfully established communication between multiple clients and a single server using blocking-communication socket implementation.
- Currently looking into multi-threaded server sockets architecture for actively exchanging data between multiple clients and the server. Game logic is also under development. Basic ideology about the snake and its movement has been explored.
- Our focus on the coming week will be to implement a multi-threaded socket server-client architecture to enable full-duplex communication between clients and the server in real-time. OpenGL and game logic will also be explored further.
Project Update Week 3 : (06/01/2018)
- Basic Snake single player game code project created. It uses two modes of operation to move a simple image view on a canvas in 2D. Touch based input and accelerometer based input is used for the game app.
- Ideas on sharing the canvas with other players is currently under process and is being investigated. Sharing data among users and what to share is also being investigated. (Update rates , update data transmission and sharing among users and the server).
- OpenGL and 3D rendering is also being investigated but however in the interest of completing the project we want a simple 2D render as a base model to show as at least the worst case scenario.
Project Update Week 4 : (06/08/2018)
- Converted the basic Snake single player game code to work with Fragments, so that the snake can be updated from an another thread which receives data from WiFi Server.
- Integrated the basic snake single player game with WiFi demo code, which uses Fragments and able to send and receive game objects and also able to update the client snake based on the the dummy data from server.
- Server processing the client's game object and its own game object and finding snake collision for each players is in process.