Basile Coron
Current Position
I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, for the special year event organized around June Huh.
In 2023-2024 I was a postdoctoral research assistant at the School of Mathematical Sciences of Queen Mary University of London, under the supervision of Alex Fink. I was also the organizer of the Tropical and Geometric Combinatorics research group at QMUL.
My PhD was supervised by Vladimir Dotsenko in Strasbourg. It was awarded the 2024 thesis prize of the university of Strasbourg.
Contact information
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You can find my CV here.
Research interests
My research area is centered around the study of combinatorial objects such as matroids, via methods of algebraic topology (operadic structures, Koszul duality theory).
An algebraic interpretation of Eulerian polynomials, derangement polynomials, and beyond, via Gröbner methods (arXiv:2410.14199). I use Gröbner methods to revisit and extend the relationship between the Chow rings of permutohedral varieties, and polynomials associated to the ascent statistics on permutations (Eulerian polynomials, derangement polynomials).
Operadic Kazhdan-Lusztig-Stanley theory (arXiv:2402.09905, to appear in IMRN). I use operadic structures to categorify P-kernels and Kazhdan-Lusztig-Stanley polynomials of geometric lattices.
Supersolvability of built lattices and Koszulness of generalized Chow rings (arXiv:2302.13072, to appear in Compositio Maths). I use the operadic structure on geometric lattices introduced in my previous article to prove Koszulness of generalized Chow rings of supersolvable built lattices.
Matroids, Feynman categories, and Koszul duality (arXiv:2211.12370, to appear in The Duke Mathematical Journal). I introduce a Feynman category over which some combinatorial invariants of matroids form some operads, and I prove a Koszul duality result between those operads. This allows a reinterpretation of the combinatorial Leray models for Orlik-Solomon algebras.
Talk at the London Mathematical Society meeting on Tropical Geometry in London, UK (November 2024).
Talk at KTH University's Combinatorics seminar in Stockholm, Sweden (November 2024).
Talk at the workshop "Arrangements, Matroids and Logarithmic Vector Fields" in Oberwolfach, Germany (June 2024).
Invited talk at the conference "Higher algebra, geometry, and topology" at CIRM, Marseille, France (May 2024).
Talk at Bologna University's Algebra & Geometry seminar, Italy (March 2024).
Introductory talk for the Tropical and Geometric Combinatorics research group, at Queen Mary University of London (February 2024).
Talk at Louisiana State University's Geometry & Topology seminar, United States (November 2023).
Talk at the kick-off event for the CeCant center, at Queen Mary University of London, UK (October 2023).
Talk at seminar LAGA in Paris, France (April 2023).
Talk at seminar of homotopy in algebraic geometry in Toulouse, France (March 2023).
Talk at seminar GATo in Amiens, France (February 2023).
Talk at Réunion du GDR Topologie Algébrique in Nantes, France (October 2022).
Two talks for a lecture group on Noetherianity and Kemer's proof of the Specht problem (Spring 2022).
Introductory talk on matroids and greedy algorithms for the PhD students seminar (Spring 2022).
Two talks for a lecture group on characteristic classes (Autumn 2022).
Introductory talk on operads for the PhD students seminar (Spring 2021).
Two talks for a lecture group on K-theory (Spring 2021).
Autumn 2020: General maths course for medical students.
Spring 2021: General maths Travaux Dirigés for students in biology.
Autumn 2021: Travaux Dirigés for a course in Topology (third year licence students).
Spring 2022: General maths Travaux Dirigés for medical students.
Autumn 2022: Travaux Dirigés for a course in Topology (third year licence students).
Spring 2023: General maths course for first year maths students.