
"In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths."

Proverb 3:6 NKJV

Does BASIC fit your homeschool and community choices?

Before you apply for membership, check the following two areas to see if BASIC fits your desires:

1. BASIC is made up of private homeschoolers, not charter or public ISP (Independent Study Program) students.

Per our Mission Statement, BASIC supports only private homeschoolers, not public homeschoolers. If you are new to homeschooling, you may not be aware of the choices in California to privately or publicly homeschool, or the differences between these choices. While BASIC supports the freedom of homeschooling choices for all, our mission is to support private homeschooling families only. Regardless of your choice, be assured there are many homeschooling resources to help you in your journey. If you are privately homeschooling and also have children in traditional 'brick and mortar' public schools, please contact BASIC at to discuss.

2. BASIC is a community with shared Statement of Faith and Core Values and Principles.

Per our Mission Statement, BASIC provides a community where we individually embrace, enthusiastically share, and mutually encourage each other in a set of common Biblical beliefs, outlined in BASIC's Statement of Faith. Acknowledging all are fallible, we walk alongside each other and work together, striving to live by a set of common Core Values and Principles, which include the authority of the Holy Bible, God's parenting model, and godly teamwork and accountability. Carefully examine each line item in BASIC's Statement of Faith and Core Values and Principles to see if this community is what you are looking for.

If you have carefully read, understood and agree to the above areas, and you are interested in membership,

click here for a membership application. Renewing members can use the same form.

Got questions? Email us at

May the Lord bless you and your family's homeschool journey!