In the following example we have three elements with a class attribute with the value of "city". All of the three elements will be styled equally according to the .city style definition in the head section:

After teaching myself for a year I started coding full time when I joined the Founders and Coders web development bootcamp in March 2020. Two weeks into the course we went into lockdown in the UK and our cohort had to go remote for the remaining 16 weeks. Thanks to the collaborative power of the VS Code Live Share extension we were still able to pair program and go through the syllabus as planned, but one of the things we missed out on from not being in person was organically sharing the little tips and tricks that you would normally pick up from working next to each other.

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You can watch someone demonstrate something while sharing their screen, but unless you see them typing on the keyboard you don't necessarily pick up on the key presses that could also save you seconds of your day! As a result there are a lot of nifty VS Code tricks that I have learned since starting my first role as a Full Stack Developer that I wish I had know during the course.

I compiled these into a talk for the next Founders and Coders cohort, entitled "Why The F*** Didn't I Know This Sooner?!", and I also wanted to share them here for those starting out on their own coding journeys.

Emmet gives you some default abbreviations for a range of file types including .html and .css which expand into useful code snippets. Emmet support is built into VS Code so it does not require downloading an extension.

I made !! into a custom shortcut for my VS Code editor that includes the tag for SEO, as well as the tags for for linking CSS stylesheets and JavaScript files, and a few other frequently used semantic tags.

I would recommend writing out the desired structure into an HTML file first, and then you can copy it into a tool like this to parse your HTML file into a JSON string with escaped characters to get the right indentation.

Sometimes you can spend longer learning to type out shortcuts than if you just manually typed the code. I personally don't find Emmet abbreviations a time saver for writing CSS, but some of the HTML abbreviations I find useful include:

This extension gives you a shortcut for getting the relative filepath of another file from your current file. This is really helpful in a large codebase with lots of nested folders where you have a lot of imports and exports between files, for instance in a React.js project.

What I do use it for is the Git blame feature, which annotates the most recent commit history for each line in your files. This is especially useful when working on a group project so you can see at a glance when the last changes were made, who made them, and the relevant commit message.

Prettier is a lifesaver because it automatically formats your code! You can download it as an extension on VS Code, and it will run your settings that you configure in the application (go to Settings and search for 'Prettier').

It's a good idea to have a .prettierrc config file in the root folder of your group projects where you specify how many spaces you want for intentation, single or double quotes, whether all lines should finish with a semi-colon, etc.

Into this, with consistent spacing, an average line width of roughly 80 characters, 2 spaces for indentation and not tabs, semicolons printed at the end of every statement, and double quotes instead of single quotes:

This is just an example to demonstrate the formatting changes Prettier applies, and is not a recommendation of code style. Most of the time you won't have to play around with the settings too much and you can go with the basic config to keep your codebase consistent, or when you start working as a developer your company will already have a "house style".

I am not exactly sure what causes conflict but I know if configured properly Emmet can do wonders with JSX too. It worked fine few times but then it started messing up. I could not push much time into finding the cause.

Identifiers are used to refer to elements or parts of the associated HTML document. The style rules that follow the identifier name (the part inside the curly braces) are applied the the element that matches the identifier.

W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content.

That being said, I still find myself going back over to w3school whenever I just need a quick overview and simple example of how to use a component or rule. Although I found that Their website tends to be stuck in a perpetual load, it gives me the what I need for what i need it for at the moment. Then later on I can research the component deeper on MDN.

I must say that it is a bit sad that w3school seems to be falling off lately. I remember when I first started to dabble with front end development a couple years back, the material I found on the site was extremely useful and gave me a decent foundation.

The HTML elements and Dash classes are mostly the same but there are

a few key differences:

- The style property is a dictionary

- Properties in the style dictionary are camelCased

- The class key is renamed as className

- Style properties in pixel units can be supplied as just numbers without the px unit

All Dash HTML components have an n_clicks property, which is an integer that represents the number of times the element has been clicked. You can use n_clicks to trigger a callback and use the value of n_clicks in your callback logic.

In this example, we capture the n_clicks value from the html.Div with ID click-div and output it to the html.P with ID click-output. n_clicks uses an event listener to capture user click events on the element and increment the n_clicks value.

One of the key features of web components is the ability to create custom elements: that is, HTML elements whose behavior is defined by the web developer, that extend the set of elements available in the browser.

In the class constructor, you can set up initial state and default values, register event listeners and perhaps create a shadow root. At this point, you should not inspect the element's attributes or children, or add new attributes or children. See Requirements for custom element constructors and reactions for the complete set of requirements.

Once your custom element is registered, the browser will call certain methods of your class when code in the page interacts with your custom element in certain ways. By providing an implementation of these methods, which the specification calls lifecycle callbacks, you can run code in response to these events.

Like built-in elements, custom elements can use HTML attributes to configure the element's behavior. To use attributes effectively, an element has to be able to respond to changes in an attribute's value. To do this, a custom element needs to add the following members to the class that implements the custom element:

Note that if the element's HTML declaration includes an observed attribute, then attributeChangedCallback() will be called after the attribute is initialized, when the element's declaration is parsed for the first time. So in the following example, attributeChangedCallback() will be called when the DOM is parsed, even if the attribute is never changed again:

Built in HTML elements can have different states, such as "hover", "disabled", and "read only". Some of these states can be set as attributes using HTML or JavaScript, while others are internal, and cannot. Whether external or internal, commonly these states have corresponding CSS pseudo-classes that can be used to select and style the element when it is in a particular state.

Autonomous custom elements (but not elements based on built-in elements) also allow you to define states and select against them using the :state() pseudo-class function. The code below shows how this works using the example of an autonomous custom element that has an internal state "collapsed".

The collapsed state is represented as a boolean property (with setter and getter methods) that is not visible outside of the element. To make this state selectable in CSS the custom element first calls HTMLElement.attachInternals() in its constructor in order to attach an ElementInternals object, which in turn provides access to a CustomStateSet through the ElementInternals.states property. The setter for the (internal) collapsed state adds the identifier hidden to the CustomStateSet when the state is true, and removes it when the state is false. The identifier is just a string: in this case we called it hidden, but we could have just as easily called it collapsed.

We can use the identifier added to the custom element's CustomStateSet (this._internals.states) for matching the element's custom state. This is matched by passing the identifier to the :state() pseudo-class. For example, below we select on the hidden state being true (and hence the element's collapsed state) using the :hidden selector, and remove the border.

The :state() pseudo-class can also be used within the :host() pseudo-class function to match a custom state within a custom element's shadow DOM. Additionally, the :state() pseudo-class can be used after the ::part() pseudo-element to match the shadow parts of a custom element that is in a particular state.

In the rest of this guide we'll look at a few example custom elements. You can find the source for all these examples, and more, in the web-components-examples repository, and you can see them all live at -components-examples/.

First, we'll look at an autonomous custom element. The custom element takes an image icon and a text string as attributes, and embeds the icon into the page. When the icon is focused, it displays the text in a pop up information box to provide further in-context information. 152ee80cbc

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