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Bei Basechat hast Du die Mglichkeit mit tausenden Leuten aus ganz Deutschland direkt in Kontakt zu treten und das vllig Anonym. 

Keiner deiner Gesprchspartner sieht in irgendeiner Form deine Rufnummmer oder andere Personbezogene Daten von dir. Du im Gegenzug von anderen aber auch nicht. Egal ob Dir nur Langweilig ist oder du einen Single Chat suchst fr dein nchstes Date.

Wenn Ihr eine Nummer findet die eine Ansage hat dann helft uns bitte und teilt sie uns unter bitte mit. Schreibt, wenn es geht, auch die jeweilige Rufnummer dabei da unsere Nummern stndig wechseln auf der Website

The features described here use an AI system that creates responses based on a prompt. As it's a new system, it may create things you didn't expect. If you find its content to be unexpected or offensive, please send us feedback so we can make it better. Because content generated via AI draws from the Test Base for Microsoft 365 documentation, it may contain inaccuracies or sensitive material. Use your own judgment and double check the facts before making decisions or taking action based on the responses.

I've been reading a lot lately about that, what i mostly see from YouTube videos/Medium articles, etc... that people tend to use the base model for fine tuning a conversations/instruct based data. Some little use the chat version. Why is that?

Falcon is also mentioning this in all their instruct models card in huggingface: "This is an instruct model, which may not be ideal for further finetuning. If you are interested in building your own instruct/chat model, we recommend starting from Falcon-7B.".

Before you can create a live chat, connect a chat channel to the conversations inbox. The chat channel is where you can customize your team's availability and the appearance of the widget. In addition, if you're adding the live chat to a website that is not hosted with HubSpot, you need to add the tracking code your external pages before you create a live chat. The live chat will not appear if the tracking code is not installed.

On the Target tab, you can decide where the live chat widget will appear on your website pages. You can display the live chat widget when a visitor is on a specific page URL, or based on known information about your visitors. You can also combine the targeting options to create a tailored, personalized experience for visitors to your site. Learn more about the different targeting options and targeting rules you can use with your chatflows.

On the Display tab, customize the live chat's display settings, including the chat heading, the chat widget behavior, and the chat widget triggers. To edit the live chat's accent color and placement on the page, learn how to further customize the chat widget's appearance in your inbox settings.

On the Options tab, customize your live chat's language settings. If you've enabled General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in your account, you can also customize your live chat to include a step to ask your website visitors for their consent to communicate.

When you're done setting up your live chat, in the top right, click Preview to review how your live chat will appear on your website. Click to toggle the switch on to add it to your website pages. If you are ready to start chatting with your website visitors, learn how to respond to incoming messages in your conversations inbox.

Question: Can a 2008 SQL instance be used as the witness for a 2005 database mirroring setup? This question was sent to me via email. My reply follows. Can a 2008 SQL instance be used as the witness for a 2005 database mirroring setup? Databases to be mirrored are currently running on 2005 SQL instances but will be upgraded to 2008 SQL in the near future.

The Userflow resource center can seamlessly integrate with your live chat provider via the Contact block chat option. When your users click on the Chat icon in the contact block, the resource center will close and your live-chat provider will be activated:

Note that connecting with live chat providers does not require you to authenticate or set up anything via Settings -> Integrations as the integration just rely on using javascript functions to open and close a live chat provider that is already installed in your application. So all the configuration is done via the Resource center Contact us block.

Note that the knowledge base integrations does not require you to authenticate or set up anything via Settings -> Integrations as they search in public content only. The only exception is if you connect your Zendesk help center via the AI assistant, and use that as source. For that we allow to search articles behind authentication and therefore require you to authenticate via Settings -> Integrations.

I am trying to get the Chat feature on the Knowledge Base page for our clients so that they can chat directly with us from that page. I am NOT trying to create or update Jira tickets with this chat, I just want the Chat to be on the KB page so that in my SLack, I can communicate with the end user.

@Elizabeth Petty Can you share a screenshot of the issue? Since the KB page is in Confluence I am assuming that this will not work as it is a Jira function and I believe as you stated it is integrated into the issue not throughout the whole portal. -service-management-cloud/docs/what-is-chat/

If an issue is reported from this page, it is linked to the "triage" channel we created in Slack, but I am looking for there to be a chat that allows back-and-forth communication with the end user from this page, as well.

(i) In the first step, I only intended to consider Custom-GPTs under EXPLORE. I configured some GPT models to analyze or compare the content of PDFs, where the PDFs are objects of this process which vary, such as manuals, legal texts, etc., which are present on my PC. This means that no dynamic database is required; and usually, there is no need for access a database or the cloud.

(ii) Secondly, uploading new files during an ongoing conversation works well. However, you may not have noticed that such uploading does not lead to the effectiveness of the upload modification during the ongoing conversation. This is the undesirable behavior that I suggest fixing. Integration with an external dynamic database or creating an assistant would not elivate this undesirable behavior.

I will discuss this briefly in the context of what we refer to as knowledge-base chat bots. They are built to answer general questions and hold a conversation about a product, service or a topic delineated by a predetermined unstructured knowledge base.

Our chat bot implementation approved by the OpenAI team (try it out live at is an expert on Itemsy - a software product for managing the content you read online. It relies on GPT-3 for its conversational capabilities.

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the cranial base on profile radiographs of patients with cri-du-chat syndrome and to relate the findings to current knowledge of brain malformation in an attempt to localize the developmental field affected in cri-du-chat syndrome. The material of profile radiographs of 23 patients was collected in Denmark in the 1970s. Twenty-two patients had terminal deletions of chromosome 5 (5p13.3, 5p14.1, 5p14.2, and 5p14.3), and one patient had an interstitial deletion. The cranial base angle (n-s-ba) was in most cases reduced and in no cases increased compared to age-related standards for normal individuals. Malformations in the bony contours of the sella turcica and the clivus occurred in cri-du-chat patients with terminal deletions. This specific cranial base region develops around the notochord at the location from where the rhombencephalic-derived brainstem, pons, and cerebellum have developed dorsally, and from where the neurons to the larynx have migrated ventrally. As the cranial base, the cerebellum and the larynx are involved in cri-du-chat syndrome, and attention is drawn to a new developmental field which comprises the dorsum sellae, clivus, cerebellum, and larynx. This field seemingly originates from the same notochordal location. The study has demonstrated a cranial base malformation in cri-du-chat patients, which ought to be elucidated in future research and combined with neurological and chromosomal investigations.

i wouldn't say the 20.04 base is outdated, as it does still receive security updates and is fully supported. You may not get the newest native apps with it, but you can get the newest apps as flatpaks, snaps or appimages if you really want to

but it is kinda true that the effort needed for zorin would very likely be much less if the base was debian instead of ubuntu, as debian is the base ubuntu is based on so many programs would still be compatible and it would also mean getting rid of Canonical's weird decissions

but at the same time, not every ubuntu program is compatible with debian, despite it being its base, and with how Zorin aims to be a distro that is just ready to use for everyone out of the box with a big freedom of software to choose from, I think they are still gonna prefer Ubuntu, as that would mean being compatible with debian packages and ubuntu packages out-of-the-box 17dc91bb1f

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