

  • B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, F. Raciti, M. Sama. A variational inequality based stochastic approximation for estimating the flexural rigidity in random fourth-order models, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Volume 111, 106406 (2022)

  • B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, M. Sama. A regularized stochastic subgradient projection method for an optimal control problem in a stochastic partial differential equation, In: Parasidis, I.N., Providas, E., Rassias, T.M. (eds) Mathematical Analysis in Interdisciplinary Research. Springer Optimization and Its Applications, vol 179 (2022),


  • B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, M. Sama, H-J. Starkloff, Ch. Tammer. A Convex Optimization Framework for the Inverse Problem of Identifying a Random Parameter in a Stochastic Partial Differential Equation, SIAM/ASA J. Uncertainty Quantification, 9(2), 922-952 (2021)

  • J. Gwinner, B. Jadamba, A. Khan, F. Raciti. Uncertainty Quantification in Variational Inequalities: Theory, Numerics, and Applications, monograph, CRC Press, (2021)

  • W. Grecksch, B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, M. Sama, Ch. Tammer. Inverse Problem of Estimating the Stochastic Flexural Rigidity in Fourth-Order Models, Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, Volume 6, Number 6, 1273-1301 (2021)

  • B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, M. Sama, Y. Yang. An Iteratively Regularized Stochastic Gradient Method for Estimating a Random Parameter in a Stochastic PDE. A Variational Inequality Approach, Nonlinear Var. Anal. 5, No. 6, pp. 865-880 (2021)

  • B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, Q. T. Kolt, M. Sama. An Equation Error Approach for Identifying a Random Parameter in a Stochastic Partial Differential Equation, in Deterministic and Stochastic Optimal Control and Inverse Problems (eds. B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, S. Migòrski, M. Sama), 354-373, CRC Press (2021)


  • B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, M. Richards, M. Sama, A convex inversion framework for identifying parameters in saddle point problems with applications to inverse incompressible elasticity, Inverse Problems, 36 (7), 074003, 25 pages (2020)

  • B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, M. Sama, Ch. Tammer, Contingent derivatives of the set-valued solution map of a noncoercive saddle point problem: A cross-fertilization between variational analysis and inverse problems. Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis, 4 (1), 127-134 (2020)

  • O. Babaniyi, B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, M. Richards, M. Sama, Inverse Problems of Identification in Incompressible Medium, Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis, 4(2), 301-318​ (2020)

  • B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, M. Richards, M. Sama, Ch. Tammer, Analyzing the role of inf-sup condition in inverse problems for saddle point problems with application in elasticity imaging, Optimization, (2020)

  • R. Hawks, B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, M. Sama, Y. Yang, A Variational InequalityBased Stochastic Approximation for Inverse Problems in Stochastic Partial Differential Equations. In: Rassias T.M., Pardalos P.M. (eds) Nonlinear Analysis and Global Optimization. Springer Optimization and Its Applications, vol. 167 (2020)


  • L. Huerga, B. Jadamba, M. Sama. An Extension of the Kaliszewski Cone to Non-Polyhedral Pointed Cones in Infinite-Dimensional Spaces, Journal of OptimizationTheory and Applications, online first, 1-19 (2019)

  • B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, M. Sama, Chr. Tammer. Regularization Methods for Scalar and Vector Control Problems in Variational Analysis and Set Optimization by Taylor and Francis, 321-340 (2019)

  • B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, M. Sama. Stable Conical Regularization by Constructible Dilating Cones with an Application to Lp-constrained Optimization Problems, Taiwanese Journal ofMathematics, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 1001-1023 (2019)


  • W. Strychalski, S. Bryant, B. Jadamba, E. Kilikian, X. Lai, L. Shahriyari, R. Segal, N. Wei, L. A. Miller. Fluid Dynamics of Nematocyst Prey Capture in Understanding Complex Biological Systems withMathematics, Springer, 123-144 (2018)

  • B. Jadamba, A. Khan, R. Kahler , M. Sama. Elliptic Inverse Problems of Identifying Nonlinear Parameters, Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, 3(2), 309-326 (2018)

  • J. Gwinner, B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, M. Sama. Identification in Variational and Quasi-Variational Inequalities, J. Convex Analysis, 1-26, Vol. 25 (2018)

  • B. Jadamba, M. Pappalardo, F. Raciti. Efficiency and Vulnerability Analysis for Congested Networks with Random Data, J. Optim. Theory Appl. (2018)


  • B. Jadamba, F. Raciti. A Variational Inequality Formulation of a Migration Model with Random Data in Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications, Springer, 55-63 (2017)

  • A. Causa, B. Jadamba, F. Raciti. A Migration Equilibrium Model with Uncertain Data and Movement Costs, Decisions in Economics and Finance, 17 pages (2017), DOI 10.1007/s10203-017-0198-4

  • M. Cho, B. Jadamba, R. Kahler, A. A. Khan, and M. Sama. First-Order and Second-Order Adjoint Methods for the Inverse Problem of Identifying Nonlinear Parameters in PDEs, in Industrial Mathematics and Complex Systems, 147-163, Springer (2017)

  • B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, M. Sama, C. Tammer. On Convex Modified Output Least-Squares for Elliptic Inverse Problems: Stability, Regularization, Applications, and Numerics, Optimization, 60, 983-1012 (2017)

  • M. Cho, B. Jadamba, A. Khan, A. Oberai, M. Sama. Identification inMixed Variational Problems by Adjoint Methods with Applications in Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications, Springer, 65-84 (2017)

  • B. Jadamba, A. Khan, A. Oberai, M. Sama. First-Order and Second-Order Adjoint Methods for Parameter Identification Problems with an Application to the Elasticity Imaging Inverse Problem, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering,1-20, DOI: 10.1080/17415977.2017.1289195 (2017)


  • B. Jadamba, A. Khan, M. Sama. Error Estimates for Integral Constraint Regularization of State-Constrained Elliptic Control Problems, Comput. Optim. Appl., DOI 10.1007/s10589-016-9885-2 (2016)

  • M. Chugunova, B. Jadamba , C-Y. Kao, Ch. Klymko, E. Thomas, B. Zhao. Study of a Mixed Dispersal Population Dynamics Model, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications: Numerical Partial Differential Equations and Scientific Computing (ed. Susanne C. Brenner), 51-77 (2016)

  • B. Jadamba, A. Khan, F. Raciti, Ch. Tammer, B. Winkler. Iterative Methods for the Elastography Inverse Problem of Locating Tumors in Essays in Mathematics and its Applications, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31338-2 6 (2016)

  • F. Faraci, B. Jadamba, F. Raciti. On Stochastic Variational Inequalities with Mean Value Constraints, J. Optim. Theory Appl., 171 (2), 675-693 (2016)


  • B. Jadamba, F. Raciti. On the Modelling of some Environmental Games with Uncertain Data . J. Optim. Theory Appl. 167 (3), 959-968 (2015)

  • N. Bush, B. Jadamba, A. Khan, F. Raciti. Identification of Parameter in fourth Order Partial Differential Equations by an Equation Error Approach, Matematica Slovaca, 65 (5), 1-13 (2015)

  • B. Jadamba , F. Raciti. Variational Inequality Approach to Stochastic Nash Equilibrium Problems with an Application to Cournot Oligopoly, J. Optim. Theory Appl., 165 (3), 1050-1070 (2015)

  • B. Jadamba, R. Kahler, A. Khan, F. Raciti, B. Winkler. Identification of Flexural Rigidity in a Kirchhoff Plates Model Using a Convex Objective and Continuous Newton Method, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2015, Article ID 290301, 11 pages, DOI:10.1155/2015/290301 (2015)


  • B. Jadamba , A. Khan, G. Rus, M. Sama, B. Winkler. A New Convex Inversion Framework for Parameter Identification in Saddle Point Problems with an Application to the Elasticity Imaging Inverse Problem of Predicting Tumor Location, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 74(5), 1486-1510 (2014)

  • B. Jadamba, F. Raciti. A Stochastic Model of Oligopolistic Market Equilibrium Problems, Optimization in Science and Engineering (eds. T. M. Rassias, C. A. Floudas, and S. Butenko), 263-271 (2014)

  • M. Doyley, B. Jadamba, A. Khan, M. Sama, B. Winkler. A New Energy Inversion for Parameter Identification in Saddle Point Problems with an Application to the Elasticity Imaging Inverse Problem of Predicting Tumor Location, Num. Func. Analysis Optim. 35 (7-9), 984-1017 (2014)

  • B. Jadamba, A. Khan, F. Raciti. Regularization of Stochastic Variational Inequalities and a Comparison of an Lp and a Sample-Path Approach. Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory and Methods, 94, 65-83 (2014)

  • E. Crossen, M. S. Gockenbach, B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan. An Equation Error Approach for the Elasticity Imaging Inverse Problem for Predicting Tumor Location. Computer Math. Appl., 67(1), 122-135 (2014)


  • N. Cahill, B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, M. Sama, B. Winkler. A First-Order Adjoint and a Second-Order Hybrid Method for an Energy Output Least Squares for Elastography Inverse Problem. Boundary Value Problems, 2013:263, DOI:10.1186/1687-2770-2013-263 (2013)

  • A. Gibali, B. Jadamba, A. Khan, J. Oleksyn. Gradient and extragradient methods for an elliptic inverse problem of parameter identification: a numerical study, Indian J. Indust. and Appl. Math., Vol 4, no 1, 33-51 (2013)


  • B. Jadamba, F. Raciti. A variational inequality approach to a class of environmental equilibrium problems. Applied Mathematics 3, 1723-1728 (2012)

  • B. Jadamba, A. Khan, M. Paulhamus, M. Sama. Proximal point methods for the inverse problem of identifying parameters in beam models in Emerging Applications of WaveletMethods (American Institute of Physics), 16-38, Vol. 1463 (2012)

  • B. Jadamba, A. Khan, M. Sama. Regularization for state constrained optimal control problems by half spaces based decoupling, Systems and Control Letters, 61, 707-713 (2012)

  • B. Jadamba, A. Khan, M. Sama. Generalized solutions of quasi-variational inequalities, Optimization Letters, 6, 1221-1231, DOI: 10.1007/s11590 011-0363-6 (2012)


  • B. Jadamba, A. Khan, M. Sama. Inverse problems of parameter identification in partial differential equations. Mathematical Methods, Models and Algorithms in Science and Technology, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 228-258 (2011)

pre 2010

  • Ch. Eck, B. Jadamba, P. Knabner. Error estimates for a finite element discretization of a phase field model for mixtures, SIAM J. Num. Anal., 47, 4429-4445 (2010)

  • B. Jadamba, A. Khan, F. Raciti and B. D. Rouhani. Parameter identification for quasi-variational inequalities in Optimization and Optimal Control, A. Chinchuluun et. al. (eds), Springer, 145-157 (2010)

  • M. S. Gockenbach, B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan. A Comparative numerical study of optimisation approaches for elliptic inverse problems, JMI International Journal of Mathematics, 1, 1-20 (2010)

  • B. Jadamba, A. Khan. Error estimates for the inverse problem of identifying variable coefficients by the modified least-squares, Indian J. Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 1. No. 2, 1-9 (2009)

  • M. S. Gockenbach, B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan. Equation error approach for elliptic inverse problems with an application to the identification of Lame parameters, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 3, 349-367 (2008)

  • B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan and F. Raciti. On the inverse problem of identifying discontinuous Lame coefficients in linear elasticity. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 56, 431-443 (2008)

  • M. S. Gockenbach, B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan. Numerical estimation of discontinuous coefficients by the method of equation error, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, 343-359 (2006)

  • B. Jadamba, A. A. Khan, V. Kalashnikov. First and second order optimality condition in set-optimization . In: Optimization with multivalued mappings, S. Dempe et. al. (eds), Springer Verlag, 265-276 (2006)