Humboldt State University is an undergraduate-serving institution and our lab works to serve this mission in various ways - pretty much all graduate students in the lab regularly serve as graduate assistants in course instruction, and with training undergraduate students in some of the research conducted by the lab.

Dan Barton is interested in development of pedagogical techniques that apply 'Scientific Teaching' in the classroom and was a 2015-16 National Academies Undergraduate Education Fellow in the Life Sciences, and has been a HHMI Summer Institutes Undergraduate Education Mentor in the Life Sciences from 2016-2019. He regularly teaches:

WLDF 311 Wildlife Techniques

WLDF 478 Ecology of Wildlife Populations (aka 'pops')

WLDF 578 Advanced Ecology of Wildlife Populations (aka 'the MARK class')

and has previously taught or occasionally teaches:

WLDF 301 Principles of Wildlife Management

WLDF 460 Conservation Biology

WLDF 485 Senior Seminar

WLDF 510 Advanced Principles of Wildlife Management (aka 'the meta-analysis class')

WLDF 585 Graduate Seminar

Stay tuned for future updates on teaching development, alternative pedagogies, and course materials.