News, Events & Links
January 14, 2025: Libby is awarded a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) awarded by President Biden [White House link] [CSU Source article]
April 30, 2024: Hueholt et al. 2024 "Speed of environmental change frames relative ecological risk in climate change and climate intervention scenarios" is featured as an Editors' Highlight in "Climate change impacts" at Nature Communications [link]. Editors' Highlights "showcase the 50 best papers recently published in an area."
April 19, 2024: Check out a "Behind the Paper" blog post at the Nature Portfolio Communities about our recent article Hueholt et al. 2024 "Speed of environmental change frames relative ecological risk in climate change and climate intervention scenarios" written by Daniel Hueholt here.
March 31, 2024: Read about our work featured in the online media platform, The Academic, written by Marybeth Arcodia here.
December 14, 2023: Read a guest post at the Seasoned Chaos blog about our animated climate intervention videos here!
October 18, 2023: Watch our new videos (animated by Heartwood Visuals) describing climate intervention research for a general audience! [Videos page]
Octover 17, 2023: Marybeth Arcodia was interviewed by Fox Weather on global El Niño impacts [watch here].
August 31, 2023: Read about our work on AI for Climate at CSU! [Source article]
June 26, 2023: Read about our work on how internal variability can mask the impacts of netzero [Source article]
February 14, 2023: Emily Gordon receives an AGU Outstanding Student Presentation Award!
February 09, 2023: Read about Libby and her collaborators work using machine learning to quantify the time until earth's temperature reaches critical temperature thresholds. [story link here]
January 13, 2023: Read about the work the group is doing on climate intervention! [story link here]
December 22, 2022. Marybeth Arcodia guest authored a blog post for NOAA's ENSO blog. Read it here.
December 5, 2022. Marybeth Arcodia was a guest writer for the CSU SoGES HUMANnature blog on sustainability. Read it here.
November 28, 2022: Our work is represented at the CSU Provost's Ethics Colloquium on the role of AI in science [see/watch here]
November 2, 2022: Read the Economist about work the group is doing on detection stratospheric aerosol injection effects on the earth system [Economist Article]
October 23, 2022: Read Marybeth Arcodia's blog post for Seasoned Chaos on Demystifying Machine Learning in Climate Science here.
October 5, 2022: Barnes Group research is discussed on 9News! [video]
September 27, 2022: Marybeth Arcodia participated in a panel discussion titled Subseasonal Forecasts: Science & applications of long-range forecasting hosted by
September 9, 2022: Former PhD student Kirsten Mayer's paper is featured as an EOS Editor's Highlight!
August 31, 2022: Libby was awarded the Professor of the Year Award by ATS Graduate Students!
August 23, 2022: Read Elina Valkonen's comments on Arctic cyclones and sea ice on Science Magazine here!
July 27, 2022: Jack Cahill is awarded 2nd place for his poster at the Cooperative Research Programs (CoRP) Science Symposium! Go Jack go!
June 27, 2022: Libby (along with colleagues) presents work on XAI for climate studies at the Amazon reMARS event. Watch the recorded presentation here, and the AWS on AIR stream here
May 4, 2022: Marybeth Arcodia is selected for the SoGES 2022-2023 Sustainability Leadership Fellows program!
May 3, 2022: Emily Gordon receives the CSU University Distinguished Professors Scholarship!!
March 9, 2022: Charlie Connolly won 2nd place for the Outstanding Student Presentation Award at the AMS Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Science. Go Charlie!
February 17, 2022: Emily Gordon and Jamin Rader win awards for the oral presentation competition for the AMS Session on Probability and Statistics!! Go Emily and Jamin!
January 31, 2022: Zack Labe is on the podcast Data Skeptic, listen to his podcast here
January 4, 2022: Antonios Mamalakis is interviewed for AGU's Precip Folks series!
October 5, 2021: Blog post from Data Science of the Environment at Lancaster University on the work being done in our group
September 15, 2021: Libby is awarded the AGU Macelwane Medal and will be made a Fellow of the AGU; CSU article here
July 26, 2021: Libby is on the podcast Data Skeptic, listen to her podcast here
July 20, 2021: Former PhD student Ben Toms' paper "Physically Interpretable Neural Networks for the Geosciences: Applications to Earth System Variability" was among the journal’s top 10% most downloaded in 2020!
July 16, 2021: Libby and her coauthor Dr. Patrick Keys go on podcast Emerging Environments discuss their paper on using machine learning to quantify the human footprint on the land surface
June 30, 2021: Zack Labe is awarded the Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing in Geophysical Research Letters
June 25, 2021: Kirsten Mayer awarded EGU Outstanding Student and PhD Candidate Presentation Award! Bravo Kirsten!
June 25, 2021: Zack Labe's interview on recent heatwaves in Siberia with ABC News
April 30, 2021: Recruiting season is complete!! Welcome incoming students Nico, Zaibeth and Jack!!
April 29, 2021: Libby's CLIVAR blog post on neural networks that can abstain (say "I Don't Know") while training
April 22, 2021: check out Zack Labe's thoughts on a future Earth in 2121
March 26, 2021: In honor of Women's History Month, NOAA wrote an article about Libby and her career thus far
March 23, 2021: Libby is awarded the CSU College of Engineering Faculty Excellence Award
March 3, 2021: Research Highlight in Nature Climate Change on our work on MJO teleconnections in a warming world
December 11, 2020: Watch Libby's recorded AGU 2020 Turco Lecture titled "Explainable AI for the Geosciences" [video link]
December, 2020: Prior Barnes group member Kyle Nardi's recent paper on skillful S2S prediction using the MJO and QBO a highlighted as a "Papers of Note" in most recent edition of BAMS.
October 13, 2020: Ben Toms' paper on MJO-QBO teleconnections highlighted in a CLIVAR summary
September 30, 2020: Libby is awarded the AGU Turco Lectureship for 2020
September 25, 2020: listen to Zack Labe's interview with Ginger Zee about this year's Arctic sea ice minimum!
September 2, 2020: EOS article on interpreting neural networks, study by Ben Toms, Libby Barnes, and Imme-Ebert Uphoff
July 30, 2020: check out "Five questions with Atmospheric Science climate scientist Zack Labe" in this month's CSU SOURCE!
July 17, 2020: Zack Labe joins the SoGES Sustainability Happy Hour (SHH!) for a chat about science communication
April 20, 2020: Andrea Jenney's paper titled Quantifying regional sensitivities to periodic events: Application to the MJO is among the top 10% most downloaded papers in JGR!
April 19, 2020: Ben Toms awarded the 2020 CSU ATS Riehl Award
March 13, 2020: Andrea Jenney (current PhD student) receives a NOAA Climate & Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship!
February 16, 2020: listen to the Climate Scientists with Dan Jones podcast where Libby discusses machine learning for climate science
January 31, 2020: Ben Toms get another award! Outstanding oral presentation for his decadal prediction talk at AMS 2020. Go Ben!
January 29, 2020: Andrea Jenney and Savini Samarasinghe both receive AGU Outstanding Student Presentation Awards! Wow!
January 22, 2020: Ben Toms receives 2nd place for Student Oral Presentation by the AMS Committee on Probability and Statistics! Wow!
January 13, 2020: hear Libby's AMS On the Air podcast on studying climate signals with machine learning
January 3, 2020: EOS article on flavors of atmospheric rivers, study by former REU Katerina Gonzales and Libby
December 13, 2019: Libby and 4 other CSU Atmos Faculty/Scientists receive awards at AGU and AMS! Read about it.
December 12, 2019: the EOS Editors' Highlight of Andrea Jenny's paper on STRIPES is the 2nd most viewed highlight of all time!
December 11, 2019: Libby was unable to travel to AGU, but her talk was recorded titled "Detecting Forced Climate Patterns with Machine Learning", click the link to check it out.
December 9, 2019: Zack Labe will be joining the Barnes Group spring 2020! Welcome Zack!
December 2, 2019: article on data science work being done in the Barnes Group.
July 22, 2019: Prof. Libby Barnes is awarded the AMS Clarence Leroy Meisinger Award for 2020.
June 17, 2019: EOS Editors' Highlights features recent paper by Andrea Jenney et al. on new index for quantifying regional sensitivities to the influence of periodic events
May 1, 2019: Wei-Ting Hsiao joins the Barnes and Maloney research groups as a PhD student, starting in August. Welcome Wei-Ting!
April 19, 2019: Kai-Chih Tseng is awarded the Alumni Award from ATS.
April 8, 2019: Kirsten Mayer is awarded a 3-year NSF Graduate Student Fellowship.
March 24, 2019: Jamin Rader is awarded a 4-year DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship.
March 21, 2019: Jamin Rader joins the Barnes Group as a masters student, starting in August. Welcome Jamin!
February 12, 2018: Ben Toms is awarded outstanding oral presentation awards at the 18th Conference on Artificial and Computational Intelligence and its Applications to the Environmental Sciences and the 32nd Conference on Climate Variability and Change.
December 26, 2018: New Study Predicts Tornadoes and Hail During 'Forecast Gap' by NPR featuring Cory Baggett's work.
November 28, 2018: Researchers rise to challenge of predicting hail, tornadoes three weeks in advance features the work by Cory Baggett and Kyle Nardi on forecasting tornado and hail activity several weeks in advance using the MJO.
October 17, 2018: Kai-Chih Tseng is awarded the Shrake-Culler Scholarship.
September 17, 2018: CW3E news post on how many ARs hit Northern California with contributions from Kyle Nardi and Prof. Barnes.
September 7, 2018: AGCI video + art of What happens in the Arctic doesn't stay in the Arctic using the "Can it? Has it? Will it?" framework of Barnes and Screen (2015)
September 7, 2018: Rivers in the sky: Improving predictions of atmospheric rivers to reduce risk by EARTH magazine features the work of Bryan Mundhenk and Cory Baggett on the predictability that the MJO and QBO offer with respect to atmospheric rivers.
August 24, 2018: CW3E news post on published paper by Kyle Nardi on NWP forecasts of atmospheric rivers.
April 4, 2018: The accomplishments of Prof. Barnes and her research group are recognized in an article by CSU's Walter Scott J. College of Engineering
February 20, 2018: NOAA OAR and CPO and CSU news releases on recent paper by former PhD student Bryan Mundhenk et al. showing that atmospheric rivers can be skillfully forecast with an empirical model up to 5 weeks in advance using knowledge of tropical variability (MJO and QBO); See also a recent interview with Bryan on Water Deeply
January 19, 2018: NOAA CPO news release on recent paper by Kai-Chih Tseng et al. looking at using the MJO to support weather forecasts 3 weeks ahead of time
January 10, 2018: Forecast podcast interview about Libby Barnes' life and science, with Nature's editor for climate science, Michael White
January 4, 2018: US CLIVAR Highlights Article on Barnes and Simpson (2017) about the jet-stream response to Arctic temperature variability
May 31, 2017: NOAA Climate Program Office Feature on Barnes Group atmospheric river research