Carpal Database

Brown Wrist Graphic User Interface (GUI)


The interface lets users select a wrist motion to observe its carpal bones orientation and translation both quantitatively and visually. Users can select a data point from the wrist graph (middle pane) and look at the motion of the carpal bones on an average carpal bones’ model (right pane). When you select a point, you can see information such as the wrist’s radial-ulnar deviation (RU), wrist’s flexion-extension (FE), the selected-DOF value (e.g., scaphoid flexion-extension), age, wrist’s side, and gender of the subject that the information is coming from.

The database is coming from four different studies with different age and gender categories and all these parameters can be toggled on or off inside the GUI. The bone models can be selected or browsed by the user. As a default, an average (based on bone volumes in the database) male model from the database is selected. Users can also upload subject-specific bone models (note: they must be acquired in the neutral pose described in the manuscript) to evaluate the database motions on the specific model. Please look at the “ReadMe_File Structure” document for more information on the mathematics and behind the seen calculations.

GUI Descriptions

§ Rotation and Data Selection Handles

On the top-left of the window, you can see this toolbar:

Data-tip is the most important tool for selecting a data point on the wrist graph (middle pane). This will help you to change the viewpoints, so you can look at the models the way you like to or find an optimal orientation.

§ Data Selection Panel

§ DOF Visualization Panel

§ Bone Visalization Panel

Please look at the following document for more examples:

Please look at this video tutorial to look at some examples and see how the GUI works: