Tour our classroom!

Get to know our classroom and where your student can expect to find things they will use each day.


In our classroom, students follow the MES Expectations in all parts of the school day. Here is how I support students to be successful with that:


As a Class


My student will be late to school. What is the procedure for checking them in? Ring the bell to the right of the front doors. Let the front office know that you are dropping off your child and someone will get your child checked in. Please remind your child to quietly enter the classroom and I will get them caught up with where we are in the school day.

I need to pick up my student early from school. What is the procedure for picking them up? All early pick-ups MUST be before 3:15PM. Please ring the bell to the right of the front doors. Let the office know your student's name and their teacher's name. Your student will be sent out after they are packed up.

I need to pick up my student early, but it is after 3:15PM. Now what? If you arrive later than that, please join the carpool line and call the office to let them know your student will need to go carpool. Your student will be sent out when you arrive out front.

What do I do if my student will be going home a different way? If you know this in advance, please send in a note to let the teacher know. If you decide this while your student is at school already, please contact the front office directly. They will communicate this change to the teacher during instruction.

What do I need to send to school when my student is absent? When your student is sick, please send in a note to explain the absence. If they saw a doctor or had another appointment, please send in any notes provided. If you communicate with me or the office that your student will be out that day, but it is not for an illness, appointment, or death in the family, the absence is still marked as "unexcused". You can view more details on the county's attendance policy by clicking here.

How does my student get lunch from the cafeteria? Please add money to their school account. They will join the lunch line to make their choices for each food group. Any additional snacks or treats will need to be funded by the money on their lunch account.

How will my student get to celebrate their birthday at school? Students are welcome to bring in a small, store-bought treat to celebrate their birthdays to be shared during snack time. We ask that no juice or goody bags are brought in. Students who wish to invite others to a birthday party can offer for me to share your contact information with others so you can schedule it outside of school. No invitations are allowed to be passed out.

When will you hold conferences? Conferences will be held after I return from maternity leave and get to learn your student more. I will also provide conferences at the beginning of Quarter 4. I will continue to hold these virtually. I cannot guarantee make-ups when conferences are missed without previous notice. 

We will be going out of town. Can I get work for my student to complete for the days that they are missing? Teachers are not permitted to send home work for any extended absences. Vacations or trips are expected to be scheduled around track-outs. Any missed work will need to be made up upon returning to school. I can recommend that your student works on Dreambox, reviews the current Letterland Unit in Spelling City, and spends time reading while they are out.