The Barbosa Lab

Behavioral Ecology and Evolution


We study sexual selection - specifically, communication, female preferences, and the evolution of elaborate sexual traits.

We focus on insects because they are abundant and easy to work with. But mostly because they perform the most fascinating behaviors one can imagine! Our current research involves beetles and moths.

If you are interested in undergraduate research opportunities, contact us!



2021 lab members: Dari Gomez'22, Beth DeFoe'23, Desire Uwera Nalukwago'22, Iman Shepard'23 and Dr. Flavia Barbosa

Dr. Barbosa was awarded an NSF grant to continue the lab's work on evolutionary trade-offs in bean beetles.

Hannah Gurholt'20 stopped by for a visit before heading out to WashU, where she will start as a PhD student!

Everyone is excited to be back in lab after a year of remote work!

But sometimes, we still work from home...

Iman Shepard and Beth DeFoe presented their research at the Richters Research Symposium!

Dari Gomez, Dr. Flavia Barbosa and Desire Uwera Nalukwago attended the 2021 Virtual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society.

Desire's poster at the 2021 ABS conference.

Lab hiking day!


The Lake Forest College campus was closed for most of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We pivoted from our original plans, and mostly focused on writing and data analysis. Still, we came up with some creative ways to continue some data collection!

Desire Uwera Nalukwago and the beetle dissection station she set up in her dorm room for Summer 2020!

Sam Gascoigne, Flavia Barbosa and Desire Uwera Nalukwago working on a manuscript...

Congratulations to Sam Gascoigne for defending his senior thesis with distinction!!!


Annual lab picture, Summer'19: Hannah Gurholt, Desire Uwera Nalukwago, Flavia Barbosa, Elise Grossman, Sam Gascoigne

Elise Grossman presented her research at the Glassman Symposium, Fall 2019

Desire Uwera Nalukwago also presented at the Glassman Symposium

Chris Edomwande, lab alumnus, came back for the Glassman Symposium!

Once again, the lab attended the Animal Behavior Society annual conference - this time, in Chicago!

Elise Grossman presented her research at the ABS conference in Chicago

Sam Gascoine also presented his research at ABS in Chicago

Desire Uwera Nalukwago presented her research at the Richter Symposium

Celebrating after the 2019 Richter Research Symposium!

We have a fondness for beetles at the Barbosa lab.

We are the proud losers of the 2019 Annual Plate Race

Elise Grossman and Dr. Jen Hamel from Elon University took care of the jukebox during some post-conference fun at ABS in Chicago

One of many summer lunches at the Mean Weiner! We also have a fondness for tacos and milkshakes...

spring 2019

The lab had much to celebrate as the spring semester ends!

  • Jeannie McDonald was awarded an NSF GRFP! She will pursue a PhD in evolution and development at Cornell University

  • Chris Edomwande accepted a research assistant position at UIC with Alex Shingleton

  • Ellie Bacon is going to veterinarian school at U of Illinois

  • Sam Gascoigne was awarded a Goldwater Scholarship

  • Sam and Elise are gearing up to work on their senior thesis!

  • The lab welcomes Hannah Gurholt'21 and Desire Uwera Nalukwago'22

Ellie Bacon'19 defended her senior thesis!

fall 2018

Chris Edomwande'19 and Sam Gascoigne'20 present their research at the 22nd Annual Steven Galovich Memorial Student Symposium at Lake Forest College.

The lab was represented at the grand opening of the Lillard Science Center! John and Paula Lillard check out our beetles.

Below: Ellie Bacon'19, Chris Edomwande'19 and Sam Gascoigne'19 hard at work!


Annual lab photo, Summer'18: Jeannie McDonald, Sam Gascoigne, Aaron O'Neill, Ellie Bacon, Chris Edomwande, Elise Grossman, Flavia Barbosa

At the 2018 Animal Behavior Society Meeting!

Chris Edomwande'19 and Jeannie McDonald'19 presented posters at ABS. Jeannie won a Turner Award, and Chris won a Genesis Award for best undergraduate poster!

Catching bugs near the Wildlife Discovery Center

Aaron O'Neill'21 was our Richter scholar this summer, and worked on a project on sperm competition in bean beetles.

Lab movie night!

Sonny Messar dissecting bean beetle genitalia

With the Shingleton Lab, at the 2018 Summer Research Picnic