Barbara Boggiano


Being an applied microeconometrician by training, my research interests lie in gender issues, underrepresented peoples and visible minorities studies. Strands of my research include exploring the long term effects of a war on intimate partner violence and quantifying the impact of pollution on the costs of public healthcare in Leicester. In addition, I am currently studying the effects of a temporary income shock on the credit behaviour of older adults in Canada. 

I am on the 2023/24 Economics Job Market.

I joined the University of Alberta and the Bank of Canada as a Mitacs Postdoctoral Researcher in September 2022. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chair of Economic Policy at the University of Potsdam from May 2021 to August 2022 and a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Economics at the University of Hamburg and the Hamburg Center for Health Economics (HCHE) from August 2020 to April 2021

Job Market Paper: Debt Repayment and the Slow Wealth Draw Down of Older Adults [PDF] 

[joint with Dr. Anson Ho, Prof. Dr. Barry Scholnick, and Dr. Kim Huynh] 

Disclaimer: Tables and Figures will be available shortly, after approval from Data Provider

We provide causal evidence on the marginal propensity to repay debt (MPRD) of older adults. Our aim is to disentangle arguments from the literature explaining the slow draw down of wealth by older adults (that richer individuals are incentivised to increase wealth, and thus have a higher MPRD), from evidence of the MPRD of the general population (which finds that poorer individuals have a higher MPRD). We exploit a payment made by the Government of Canada to the universe of 73 and 74-year-olds, where the decision rule determining payment was the exact date of birth. Using RDD techniques and data from the universe of Canadian credit bureau files, we find that MPRD for older adults varies across wealth and credit status.