Editorial and Reviewer Assignments



                                                                Editorial Assignments

Dear Researchers, 

                        You are invited to submit your contributions to our special issue/ journal. Please feel free to discuss if you have any query.

Special Issue: Models and Applications of Delay Differential Equations (Ongoing)

Journal: Mathematical Bioscience and Engineering (AIMS)

Journal:  Computational and Mathematical Methods  (Hindawi)  

Journal:  Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society  (Hindawi)  

Journal:  Computational and Mathematical  Methods in Medicine (Hindawi)  [March 2023-May 2023]


Special Topic: Justified Modeling Frameworks and Novel Interpretations of Ecological and Epidemiological Systems

Journal: Frontiers of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Special Issue: Mathematical Models in Zoonotic Epidemiological Problems

Journal:  Computational and Mathematical  Methods in Medicine (Hindawi)


Journal: Communication in Biomathematical Sciences (Indonesian Bio-Mathematical Society )  



Journal: Jambura Journal of Biomathematics


@ Elsevier

@ Springer

@ World Scientific

@ AIMS(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences)

@ IMA (Institute of Mathematics and its Applications)

@ Wiley

@ Hindawi


@ De Gruyter

@ L&T Scientific Publishing

@ Others