Practical information


Everyone needs to register online prior to the conference. This ensures we have an idea of numbers and have the information to send the Zoom link.

The standard fee is £15 for all presenters. Registration is free for Africa-based participants, non-presenting participants and students. If you are eligible for free registration but are in a position to pay £15, please do consider doing so. Funds will be used for student support during the conference and any remaining funds at the end of the conference will be rolled over for Bantu 9 to be hosted by the Malawi University of Science and Technology.

You can pay here and also visit the link on this page to register (including for those not paying for registration):

Please register and pay by the 14th May.


Everyone must pre-record their talk and upload it by Thursday 20th May. Talks should be no longer than 20minutes. For synchronous talks this will act as a backup in case of technical issues with zoom. Otherwise, synchronous talks will be presented live. We are using the Open Science Foundation website to host the conference files. This is a free platform, which allows you to share posters and presentations for academic meetings and conferences. Please pre-record your talk and upload it to the Bantu8 meeting page on the OSF platform: We encourage everyone to upload slides, handouts and any other materials to share with participants, to facilitate easy sharing of files during sessions. Details of this are on the 'Upload instructions' page.

Asynchronous talks must be pre-recorded and uploaded to the OFS platform: These must be no longer than 20mins. Participants should have listened to asynchronous talks prior to the conference and the live discussion slots will allow presenters to summarise their talk in a few bullet points in max 5 minutes, followed by a Q&A session of 10 minutes. Talks can be recorded using Zoom, PowerPoint or any other interface of your choice.

There will be two poster sessions – one on each day of the main conference. This will also take place via Zoom using breakout rooms. We ask that poster presenters also upload their posters to the Open Science Foundation conference pages and be prepared to share them in the poster sessions directly.

To watch the pre-recorded talks and access the materials that have been uploaded please visit the OSF platform: