At the same time, we would like to inform you that, in accordance with the General Business Terms and Conditions for Accounts, Payments and Other Services for clients of PKO BP S.A., poboka zahraninej banky, you have the right to terminate the affected agreement free of charge with immediate effect (i.e. on the date of delivery of the notice of refusal to accept the new terms and conditions to the Bank) and/or from the date indicated by you, but before the entry into force date of the aforementioned amendments. For more information about termination of your agreement with us, please refer to Section XIII of the General Business Terms and Conditions for Accounts, Payments and Other Services for clients of PKO BP S.A., poboka zahraninej banky, which can be found here (PDF FILE). A declaration of refusal to accept the new terms and conditions should be sent to: PKO BP S.A., poboka zahraninej banky, Pribinova 10, 811 09 Bratislava.

At the same time, we would like to inform you that according to the General Business Terms and Conditions for accounts, payments and other services for Clients of PKO BP S.A., poboka zahraninej banky you have a right to terminate the affected agreement free of charge with an immediate effect (i.e., as of the date following the date of delivery of the rejection notice to the Bank) or as of the later date indicated by you but in any case before 16th July 2021. For more information regarding termination of the agreement with us, please see Section XIII of the General Business Terms and Conditions for accounts payments and other services for Clients of PKO BP S.A., poboka zahraninej banky which can be found here (PDF file). Your rejection notice should be sent to the business mailing address of the Bank mentioned in the respective Agreement, or to the registered office Pribinova 10, 811 09 Bratislava.

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