Cord Blood

The Umbilical Cord Blood Banking – A Worthy Initiative

When you talk about umbilical cord blood banking many questions comes in your mind. Whether it is worth storing? What it can treat? Many other similar questions and they are quite expected as not many people are aware of this concept. So here are the answers to a few of your questions. So, carefully go through it.

Whether it is worth storing?

If you are wondering whether cord blood storage worth it, then the answer is very simple, “yes.” The doctors are surging parents for cord blood storage because of the benefits it renders to their kids in the future.

However, the reason for storing cord blood is that it can save a life. The cord tissues and cord blood is rich in powerful stem cells. It can only be collected at the time of birth for future use. These stem cells can be used for treating many fatal diseases and deficiencies.

The researches have proved that therapies conducted using cord blood have gotten more successful. The researches and the doctors have now well accustomed to using the cord blood for different therapies for treating various health conditions.

The cord blood storage holds a promise that you won’t have to look for the donor or other alternatives as your stem cells and blood tissues are available. Most importantly it is easily and always accessible whenever you are in need because it is your blood cell and blood tissues. It is your savings that you can use at times of your medical emergency. It is a worthy initiative as it not only helps your child but your other child can also be benefited from the cord blood of their siblings.

What it can treat?

While talking about whether storing cord blood is worth or not, it is obvious to be curious about the health conditions that can be treated by it. The conditions that are the key reason for urging umbilical cord blood banking are -

Cerebral palsy and autism

Type I diabetes


Genetic diseases

Solid tumors

Leukemia and blood disorders

Immune deficiencies.

Hopefully, this discussion will help you in getting a clear understanding of the reasons for and importance of umbilical cord banking.