I'd stay away from anything with a bancomat on the machine ... look for ATM's affiliated with an actual bank for better rates and lower fees. Every machine I've ever used in Europe has an option for english.

Bancomat is the generic European term for ATM. Nearly every ATM will have bancomat on it. I have not seen a Travelex ATM outside of the airport. Every bank in Florence will have an ATM attached to it. Ask your hotel for directions. Often they will a little room on the side of the entrance with the ATM terminals. Use you debit card to open the door to the room.


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I'm not sure if all bancomats are affiliated with banks. I do know that not all machines are equal. We just returned yesterday and when my BIL used a machine and I used a different machine on the same block it looked as if he did not get as a good of a rate or he was charged a higher "fee" or rate. We took the same amount and when we compared our home bank account websites - my statement showed my 200 euro withdraw was 6% in USD and his was almost 10%. (if that makes sense)

Many ATMs/bancomats do charge fees. Those fees can vary, but they will be clearly disclosed on the screen before the transaction is completed, so you can always cancel, walk away and try another machine. You may see a flat fee, or you may see something that's a percentage of what you are withdrawing; maybe some ATMs charge a combination of flat fee plus a percentage.

BANCOMAT S.p.A. (www.bancomat.it) has been operating the most diffused and well-known withdrawal and payment circuits in Italy for 40 years, identified by the BANCOMAT, PagoBANCOMAT and BANCOMAT Pay brands. It is one of the main and most important players in the debit card payment market in Italy, with more than 2.8 billion payment and withdrawal transactions worth about EUR 225 billion on an annual basis and about 32 million active cards. It is owned by 113 Italian banks, which are part of the more than 400 payment service providers that use its services..

So when i was in CH in april, i tried to top up my sim card, my credit was already too low to top it up for 1 day so had some kind of problem since i also had to buy our ski passes online. I asked my parents to top it up because it wasn't any more possible at the UBS bancomats but they screwed up and ordered a new card :-D Next day i called Sunrise and got a friendly woman speaking fluently British English. I explained what happened but she said that cancelling the new sim card was impossible because it was already out in mail. A bit later she called back to tell me she had the funds (20 chf) transferred to my sim card. That was very thoughtful of her since she didn't have to do that at all. So great service from them!

ATM-urile permit identificarea securizat a posesorului cardului bancar mulumit numrului personal de identificare, prescurtat PIN, din englez Personal Identification Number. Unele bancomate permit schimbarea PIN-ului. Bancomatele mai noi recunosc cardurile cu cip.

De La Rue a dezvoltat primul bancomat cunoscut, care a fost instalat la Enfield Town, n nordul Londrei, la 27 iunie 1967, de ctre Barclays. n Marea Britanie, inventatorul ATM-ului este John Shepherd-Barron, dar Luther George Simjian a depus cerere de brevet la New York n anii 1930, n timp ce inginerii de la Docutel posed un brevet datat la 4 iunie 1973. John Shepherd-Barron este membru al Ordinului Imperiului Britanic, din 2005.

In Italia vengono sistematicamente[2], ma impropriamente, chiamati bancomat per sineddoche dal nome del primo e pi grande circuito di prelievo che usa gli sportelli automatici. Bancomat  infatti un marchio registrato[3] di propriet del Consorzio Bancomat ed  la denominazione commerciale che identifica uno dei circuiti di debito nazionale per il prelievo di denaro contante da sportello automatico nonch il pi conosciuto; altro circuito domestico  il Postamat di Poste italiane. Inoltre i circuiti italiani sono legati a quelli internazionali come Cirrus-Maestro e V-pay. ff782bc1db

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