About Us

The " Balkan Youth Activism" organization is a representative (non-profit) structure, that cooperates with the young people of Albania and beyond. This organization aims at mobilizing, self-organizing and empowering the role of youth in society, as well as encouraging young people to become part of the integral life of society through:

• Human Rights,

• Citizen Participation and Democracy,

• Education,

• Innovation and entrepreneurship,

• Employment,

• Young people towards art, sports and culture,



•Cultural heritage.

• Environment,

• Training and multimedia.

It is a space where every young finds himself, including young people in rural areas, young people from the minorities, and those with different abilities, young people with social disadvantage, social exclusion, abused persons, and vulnerable groups. Lobbying and active advocacy to support youth issues at the local, national and international level. In addition to addressing youth issues, BYA aims to harmonize different target groups to create a human and peaceful vision for a better future of Albanian and Balkan youth. BYA will be coherent to the implementation of global objectives through two key points such as volunteering and social inclusion, to be able to integrate young people into being an active part of active citizenship in every aspect of it.