About me

Hey there! 

I'm Burns Balit, a playfully eclectic graphic designer with 3 years of experience.

I bring brands to life with a vibrant mix of styles, using the power of Adobe Creative Suite and Cinema4D to create magic. My true passion lies in crafting eye-catching logo designs, engaging motion graphics, stunning print pieces, and captivating 3D models.

Think of my design process as a giant, joyful brainstorm session! I gather inspiration from every corner of the world – nature walks, bustling cityscapes, even a quirky street vendor. Then, I unleash a flood of wild ideas, honing them with my design tools until the perfect solution emerges. It's not always a straight line – sometimes I revisit the inspiration stage if I hit a creative snag. But the journey is always fun, and the big reveal – presenting the final product to a thrilled client – is pure satisfaction.

Ready to see my creativity at play? Dive into my portfolio to discover more! Feel free to reach out if you have any design needs, or connect with me on click here
