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Swing Dance

Kevin Leach

Hi, I'm Kevin. I am the volunteer chair of Swing North in Manchester, and co-founder of Calder Valley Swing, in West Yorkshire, UK.  I teach Lindy Hop and Charleston classes weekly, and regularly DJ at events. I provide technical facilities for events, and each year, I organise festivals and workshops with international teachers and bands, for our local scenes.

My background is in broadcasting and technology, and I'm a full-time company director. Balanced is my side-project (maybe even my exit/semi-retirement strategy, who knows?)

Private Tuition

I never imagined when I was younger, that I would become a dance teacher, but here we are.  Some people are naturally gifted dancers or are nurtured from an early age.  I am neither. While I've attended workshops and classes up to Advanced level around the world, I still question my ability to execute the basics. That's the beauty of swing dance; just when you think you've got it all worked out, you realise there's a whole lot more that you don't understand; and for me,  that's what keeps it interesting.

I fell in love with swing dance, when I needed a distraction from my busy work schedule, when I launched a tech start-up back in 2013.  It may be a cliche, but it has changed my life. The worldwide community of dancers feels like an extended family, and there's nothing better than the feeling of dancing to a live jazz band, into the wee small hours.

As somebody who had never really danced before the age of 30, my learning curve since then has been desperately slow. There is so much that I still have to learn, and the all too familiar 'imposter syndrome' is still very real; no more so, than when attending international events.

I am telling you all of this, because if I can do it, then you can too! My learning journey has given me a great deal of empathy for new learners; especially for those that are some way out of their comfort zone.

How it works

I split my time between Manchester city centre, and Hebden Bridge, in Yorkshire. I am available for private swing dance tuition in either location.  The styles that I can help you with, are Lindy Hop and Charleston (the latter is an integral part of the former). I believe that neither style has to be as energetic as it looks in movies or competitions, and I like to help learners to use less energy and more technique, to allow for more dancing, and less sweat! I prefer mid-tempo swing music, over fast jazz.

You can attend on your own, or with a dance partner. I am most experienced as a leader, but can also follow; and can help with both roles. If you're already beyond the Improver stage, then you would be better suited, with a more experienced instructor.

I have a suitable space at my home near Hebden Bridge (map), and a not-quite-so-suitable-but-good-enough small apartment in central Manchester (map). We can use either, or you can book/provide a suitable space in central Manchester or Hebden Bridge. Wooden floors are ideal, and carpets aren't great.

What it costs

£35 per hour.


If you're making a booking, and plan to come to me, just write 'Kevin's Place', Manchester or Hebden Bridge, and the postcode M1 3PW or HX7 7HZ.