Mrs. Baker’s 6th Grade Mathematics Class

2024-2025 School Year

Supplies Needed:

Top 7 6th Grade Math FAQ's:

YES!    Homework will only be given on an as needed basis. This will NOT be every night, but in math it is sometimes necessary to practice skills at home. When assigned, it is expected to be completed. Homework will often be incomplete classwork and/or projects, or practice with technology.


The county grading scale for middle school is as follows:

A 90-100         Mastery Level 4

B 80-89 Mastery Level 3

C 73-79 Mastery Level 2

D 70-72 Mastery Level 1

F 69 and below Mastery Level 0


Your grade is earned through scores on formative and summative assessments. Progress reports will go home half-way through the grading period to let your parents know how you are doing. Parents and students do have access to each of your grades on a daily basis through Infinite Campus Parent Portal, which can be accessed through your phone.


Summative Assessments - 60% (unit tests, major quizzes, projects, etc.)

Formative Assessments – 40% (classwork, task cards, etc.)



Anytime you are absent, ask your teacher for work that you missed. It will also be helpful to check the website(Google Classroom) and ask your neighbor what you missed. 






**Advanced math will have additional topics covered as well**




Teacher Contact Information:


Phone: (706) 855-2514     

Remind   (In class): 


Infinite Campus setup help: