Baker Synthetic Protein Research Group


Our Research Program

Engineering proteins for therapeutic, material or enzymatic applications is limited to the natural diversity of amino acids.

We are expanding this tool box through chemical synthesis and cell-free protein expression systems.

The field of synthetic biology continues to be defined. We contribute through the research of new chemical and biological tools.


Spring 2024

 Our Values

Pioneering Advancements in Synthetic Biology

At the BSRG, we strive to be on the cutting edge of our field. To accomplish this, we encourage students to engage in research that they are passionate about and to always be curious.

Knowledge Translation and Applied Research

Each day in the Baker Research Group we want to ensure that you are always moving towards your future career ambitions. Enhance the experience your peers by being present and prepared.


Establishing channels to enhance dialogue within our research community through accessibility of ideas, and sharing results together are paramount to achieving success.

Diversity and Respect

We welcome and include others equally by acknowledging their diverse interests, backgrounds, and methods of learning. This is essential to fostering a diverse enriching research environment.


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