About Baked

Why "Baked"?




(of food) cooked by dry heat in an oven

Our values:

We value freshness in our baking. Anything we make will be baked on the same day.

We believe that good food isn't made with lots of artificial ingredients, and use simple, quality ingredients in our products.

Hello! My name is Evan Huang. 

Cooking and baking are my passions, and I've been doing both since I was 12.

After I took the foods-10 class at high school, my teacher and my classmates have inspired me to push my skills further, and this is the project that resulted from it. 

Special thanks to:

My parents for supporting everything I do.

Mr Genuis for pushing and inspiring me to start, and teaching me so much more about food.

All my foods-10 classmates (You know who you are! :))

Welcome to Baked!