

Current PhD students

  • 2020 Edouard Yvinec, Efficient Deep Learning, Datakalab (with A. Dapogny & M. Cord)

  • 2020 Jules Bonnard, Statistical and symbolic AI for fetal medicine, IUIS (with F. Dhombres & A. Dapogny)

  • 2019 Gauthier Tallec, Multitask learning for dyspnea detection, SCAI (with A. Dapogny)


  • 2019-2022 Alois Pourchot, Neural architecture search for medical images, Gleamer (with O. Sigaud)

  • 2017-2021 Estephe Arnaud, Adaptive Deep Ensemble Methods For Face Analysis In The Wild. ANR FacIL (with A. Dapogny)

  • 2014-2018 Thomas Janssoone, Multimodal social signals analysis for social stance synthesis of Embodied Conversational Agents, SMART Labex (with C. Clavel & G. Richard, Telecom Paris)

  • 2013-2016 Arnaud Dapogny, A Walk Through Randomness for Face Analysis in Unconstrained Environments, ANR JEMImE (with S. Dubuisson)

  • 2012-2016 Jérémie Nicolle, Reading Faces Using Multi-Task Metric Learning for Kernel Regression, MENRT (with M. Chetouani)

  • 2009-2013 Vincent Rapp, Face analysis for emotion recognition, ANR Imemo (with L. Prevost)

  • 2008-2011 Thibaud Sénéchal, Analysis of facial movements for emotion interpretation, MENRT (with L. Prevost)


  • 2021-2024 CIFRE contract with Datakalab : Efficient Deep Learning.

  • 2020-2023 EIT Health SUOG : Smart Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Participant

  • 2017-2022 ANR JCJC FacIL : Face Interpretation with deep and ensemble Learning. Coordinator

  • 2013-2018 ANR JEMImE : Jeu Educatif Multimodal d’Imitation Emotionnelle. Coordinator

  • 2013-2017 Labex SMART SeNSE : SigNaux Socio Emotionnel. Participant

  • 2012-2015 Investissement d’Avenir A1:1 : Interaction avec des avatars à taille humaine. Participant