Invited Speakers

Prof. Iolanda Leite

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden 

Prof. Iolanda Leite is  Associate Professor at the Division of Robotics, Perception and Learning at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. She received my PhD degree from the Technical University of Lisbon (IST). Before joining KTH, she was a Postdoctoral Associate at the Yale Social Robotics Lab and an Associate Research Scientist at Disney Research Pittsburgh. The goal of her research is to develop social robots that can capture, learn from and respond appropriately to the subtle dynamics that characterize real-world situations, allowing for truly efficient and engaging long-term interactions with people.

Details of the Talk

TITLE: tbd



PROF. Laurel Riek 

University of California, USA

Dr. Laurel Riek is a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at UC San Diego, and also has appointments in the Department of Emergency Medicine, Contextual Robotics Institute, and Design Lab. Dr. Riek directs the Healthcare Robotics Lab, and leads research in human-robot teaming, assistive robotics, embodied AI, and health informatics, and builds intelligent systems which work proximately with people. Riek's current research projects have applications in acute care, neuro-rehabilitation, and home health, and works on furthering health equity through community-driven research efforts. Dr. Riek has received the NSF CAREER Award, AFOSR Young Investigator Award, Qualcomm Research Award, and multiple best paper awards. Dr. Riek leads the ONR MURI HUDDLE project. Prof. Riek currently serves on the editorial boards of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), ACM Transactions on Human Robot Interaction (THRI), and previously served as the HRI 2023 General Co-Chair and HRI 2020 Program Co-Chair. 

Details of the Talk

TITLE: Cognitively and Socially Assistive Robots for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment



Prof. Minsu jang 

Electronics and Telecommunications Reserach Institure, South Korea 

Minsu Jang, a Principal Researcher at the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, and an Associate Professor at the University of Science and Technology, South Korea, specializes in advancing adaptive and open-world intelligence for social and service robots. His research aims to foster flexible and natural interactions between humans and robots, contributing to the development of robots that not only perform tasks efficiently but also learn effectively in real-world scenarios. He plays an active role in the Korea Robotics Society and in the academic community, organizing workshops and editing for robotics journals.

Details of the Talk


