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신소재공학부 백정민 교수 연구팀, 열전 에너지 하베스팅 연구의 새로운 패러다임 제시 (2021). more 

JaeWon Lee received the Best Poster Award in the 2nd international Conference on Nanoenergy and Nanosystems in Beijing, China (NENS) (2016). 

Jinsung Chun, Kyeong Nam Kim, Jae Won Lee are accepted by the NENS organizing committee as a Oral presentation in Beijing, China (2014).

Kyung Nam Kim received the Best Poster Award in International Nanophotonics and Nanoenergy Conference (INPEC) 2014.

Jinsung Chun received the Best Poster Award in the 2nd international Conference on Nanogenerators and Piezotronics (2014). 

Byeong Uk Ye receives an Award of Excellence in the Academic Division of Materials Photo Contest (KIMM). 

The 1st paper of Lee Jae Won was published online January 27, 2014. Congratulation!! more 

Prof. Baik was invited as a invited speaker in the 2nd international conference on Nanogenerators and Piezotronics (NGPT 2014). more 

Jinsung Chun received the Best Poster Award in the 2nd international Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (2013). 

Jinsung Chun (Ph.D. candidate) at School of Mechanical and Advanced Materials Engineering received the Best Article Award at the Students Articles Competition in the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials. He developed New type of 2D Piezoelectric Nanogenerator based on Embossed Hollow Hemispheres. This work was published in Advanced Functional Materials (2013). 

Prof. Baik was invited as a program subcommittee member of topic, "13. LEDs and Lighting" in the 14th International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2014). more 

Ji Won Byon and Won Jeong Park passed their Master's degree Defense, Congratulation! (2013). 

Ji Won Byon (Master candidate) received the Best Poster Award in the Nano Korea 2012 (2012)

Won Jeong Park (Master candidate) received the Best Article Award in the 1st international Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (2011). 

Jae Won Lee (Undergraduated student) received the Internship Award (Top rank) at the Students Poster Competition held in the School of Mechanical and Advanced Materials Engineering (2011).

Byeong Uk Ye (Ph. D. candidate) received the Best Poster Award in the Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (KIChE) Spring Conference (2011).