Chelsea fc

In data 18 aprile i giocatori del Chelsea fc, arriveranno nella nostra struttura per un ritiro sportivo che durerà 1 settimana

All'arrivo il team calcistico sarà lieto di firmare autografi e maglie! seguirà dibattito sull'importanza della lotta al razzismo.

Ecco cosa prepareremo!

alimenti di prima qualità ,del nostro territorio

preparati con particolare attenzione ,seguendo i bisogni nutrizionali degli atleti !


come si organizza un evento

MR. LO SCIUTO: Good morning, I'd like to meet MR. Rondello.

MRS.Vizzini : Yes of course, can you please wait in the lobby ….

MRS.Vizzini:( after 2 m )

MR LO SCIUTO ,here is the manager .

MR LO SCIUTO: ok , thanks

MR RONDELLO : good morning sir, how may I help you ?

MR LO SCIUTO : I would like to book the reception room for a gala dinner on behalf of the Chelsea team .

MR RONDELLO : so well I think there aren’t any problems. I have to know date of the event and the number of customers.

MR LO SCIUTO: OK, the date will be (the)18th of April 2017 and the guests will be 60 ( approximately)

MR RONDELLO: OK, what menu and wines would you like?

MR LO SCIUTO: We'd suggest a seafood menu with a white wine.

MR RONDELLO:ok, we'll go to the chef and the sommelier now.

MR LO SCIUTO: excellent!

CHEF Pampalone: good morning sir.

MR LO SCIUTO : I’d like to know the menu and wine choice

CHEF Pampalone: Yes, of course.the menu will be only including high quality fresh fish .

so we'll prepare:

look up

CHEF Pampalone: Yes, of course.the menu will be only including high quality fresh fish .

so we'll prepare:

look up

MR LO SCIUTO: Amazing ; I think it's perfect

MR RALLO: With this menu, I suggest you to match a daxia of alliata.

MR LO SCIUTO: NO, we would like a Donnafugata wine

MR RALLO : then , I believe , sursur will be perfect

MR LO SCIUTO: Yes, sursur is so famous in the UK..;

Now I want to know the table arrangement and the type of service.

MR .RONDELLO : Mrs Giovanna Vultaggio will be pleased to help you.

MRS VULTAGGIO G. : Hello! I'm the head waitress. we are so glad to host you !

our restaurant has got a large fine dining room , that can accommodate up to 100 people with an elegant and comfortable atmosphere, then, For this event, we have decided to lay an imperial table and, We are going to present your guests with the menu by a plate service.

MR. LOSCIUTO: it is perfect.

MR. RONDELLO : then I think it is all, we are waiting for your confirmation of the exact number of guests,

so that we can draw up the contract , goodbye.

MR. LOSCIUTO: Yes , we hope to hear from you soon, goodbye.