Syed Badruddoza, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Agricultural and Applied Economics


Phone: (806) 834-1921

Office: Agricultural Science 204-A


Dr. Syed Badruddoza is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics at Texas Tech University. He earned his Ph.D. in Economics majoring in Econometrics and Quantitative Economics and M.S. in Statistics at Washington State University. He also has an M.S. in Applied Financial Economics from Illinois State University, and a B.S. in Economics from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Dr. Badruddoza is an applied economist who studies agribusiness, retail markets, decisions made by firms and consumers, and rural development. His current research focuses on the on-going transition of U.S. agriculture: the dynamics of consumers' tastes, technological advancements, product expansion, and marketing strategies. His recent works look into farm consolidation, mergers, and the impacts of social influence, organic, and plant-based beverages in the U.S. dairy industry. For improved predictions and classifications in agricultural and food markets, his research also led him to work on linking economic insights with machine learning and data science models. Dr. Badruddoza has been teaching courses on applied machine learning in business and economics, microeconomics, industrial organization, international trade, and international business.

Before joining Texas Tech, Dr. Badruddoza served as a Researcher in a U.S. Department of Agriculture project on the perception of genome-edited beef jointly undertaken by the University of California-Davis, the University of Idaho, and Washington State University. He also served as a short-term consultant in the Agriculture and Rural Development Division, and Environment and Energy Division at the World Bank to study access to financial services, agricultural seasonality, and energy poverty in South Asia and Africa. His previous positions include a variety of policy research projects related to finance and development in collaboration with scientists from the International Food Policy Research Institute, Institute for Inclusive Finance and Development, and Economic Research Group.