Wakelet Community Leader

Click the logo to start earning your certification.


20 minutes


You must be a Member of the Wakelet Community

You must have at least 5 collections or 50 bookmarks on Wakelet

Duration of Certification



Community emails sent directly to you that include:

Surveys to give your feedback

New features

Activities including webinars, monthly training webinar, competitions etc

You will also be able to join in with the community in our Facebook groups for different regions and on Twitter using the hashtag #WakeletWave


Given upon request for those running Wakelet sessions

Impact on Learning

Educators are empowered to support their colleagues, students and community with Wakelet. They can help educators stay more organized, make classrooms more collaborative and make content more engaging - benefiting everyone!

Community Leaders also receive specialist training from the Wakelet Team, as well as personalized support!

Further Information

A Community Leader is someone who shares and promotes Wakelet within their own school and learning community. They help those around them learn about Wakelet, and support them through training sessions, advice and knowledge.