Book Creator Ambassador

Click the logo to start earning your certification.


2 - 3 hours


Book Creator Certified Author Level 1. Submit evidence of previous presentations or blog posts about Book Creator along with a short video testimony of why you use Book Creator. Submit your profile details for the website.

Duration of Certification

Renewed periodically


Join a private community of teachers through a communication channel app


Access to early beta releases
Free upgrade to the 180 book teacher plan
Book Creator swag and merchandise
Recognition as an ambassador on the Book Creator site map as well as badge to use on website / socials.

Impact on Learning

Educators join a limited number around the world that help to shape the future of Book Creator, providing feedback on features as well as beta testing new projects and helping others learn about the app. Having a small community of educators to share ideas and learn from around the world.

Expectations of Ambassadors:

Advocate for Book Creator
Contribute to our Teacher Resources database
Active participant in Facebook Teachers group and #BookCreator chats
Participate in beta testing and contribute feedback and ideas to Book Creator basecamp.