Privacy Policy

Bacu Sleep

Bacu Sleep is an Application owned, developed and operated by Jose Amaury Lopez De La Cruz. We are a group committed on providing the best experiences throughout our services and on protecting the information that users provide to us. We publish the following statements to help our users understand what data we collect and how we use it.​

What we collect and how we use it?

We do not collect any data and no personal information is required to use this application. We don’t have access to the data stored locally by the application on the device. It is responsibility of the user to keep this information private and not to share it with third parties. The Application might have access to the device’s current location which is used to serve ads to the users.

Third party Apps and services.

This Privacy Policy applies only to the Bacu Sleep Application that is owned, developed and operated by Jose Amaury Lopez De La Cruz. We cannot regulate other services or mobile applications linked to our apps and you should familiarize yourself with their unique Privacy Policies.

How do we protect your information?

Bacu Sleep doesn’t share any personal user information not even with us, and in case we might ask our users for some information this won’t be shared with anyone in any case. Privacy is taken very seriously by us, so our users should not worry about it.