
My research interests are in the area of noncommutative algebra, with focus on quantum algebras and their connections to geometry, combinatorics, and representation theory. If you are a student at XULA and interested in doing research or learning more advanced topics in algebra, please send me an email or visit me during office hours.


  1. Root of unity quantum cluster algebras and discriminants

(with K. Trampel and M. Yakimov) arXiv:2012.02314

  1. The Deligne--Simpson problem for connections on $\mathbb {G}_m $ with a maximally ramified singularity

(with M. C. Kulkarni, N. Livesay, J. P. Matherne, and D. S. Sage) arXiv:2108.11029 (accepted to Adv. Math.)

  1. Poisson geometry and Azumaya loci of cluster algebras

(with G. Muller, K. Trampel, and M. Yakimov) arXiv:2209.11622


  1. Actions of cocommutative Hopf algebras,

(with Martin Lorenz and Ramy Yammine)

Journal of Algebra, Vol. 546, March 2020, 703-722. arXiv: 1907.06958

  1. On the adjoint representation of a Hopf algebra,

(with Stefan Kolb, Martin Lorenz, and Ramy Yammine)

Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society (2020) 63: 1092-1099. arXiv:1905.03020

  1. Irreducibility of the Cayley--Menger determinant, and of a class of related polynomials,

(with Mowaffag Hajja, Mostafa Hayajneh, and Shadi Shaqaqha)

Beitr Algebra Geom (2018) 59: 327-342. arXiv:1701.00407

  1. Distances from the vertices of a regular simplex,

(with Mowaffag Hajja, Mostafa Hayajneh, and Shadi Shaqaqha)

Results in Mathematics 72 (1-2), 633-648. arXiv:1609.06552

  1. Noncommutative discriminants via Poisson primes,

(with Kurt Trampel and Milen Yakimov)

Adv. Math. 322 (2017), 269-307. arXiv:1603.02585