Emergency pill

Contraceptive pills mean that couples have unprotected sex. This is an emergency as a name, and is not a general way to prevent pregnancy. It will delay ovulation.

Methods of prevention

These methods are divided into two categories: the first one is the birth control pill and the second one called the IUD. There are three types of contraceptives that you can get from a pharmacy without a prescription.

Levonorgestrel has been told to have contraceptives that contain hormone. The tablets are: 1. My Way without a prescription. 2. Plan B One-step. 3. Preventeza without prescription. ). 4. Non-prescription tablets (Take Action).

Note that there are other contraceptive pills, but you should note that you should take more than one tablet every time. These pills, in principle, have weaker performance and cause nausea.

Be careful not to take any contraceptive pill because all of these pills have side effects and consuming without consulting your doctor can be a great deal for you.

There is also an over-the-counter oral contraceptive pill that is also known as Alla and Alavan, and only with a prescription from a doctor you can get this pill, which is an antihistoric pill that blocks the effects of key hormones for embryo formation.

How to use and function

Levonorgestrel is designed to prevent or prevent the release of oocytes from the egg in the uterus temporarily. As soon as you take this pill, after the relationship, it will definitely increase its effect.

If the dose was 1.5, one day would be enough, but if the dose is 0.75, you can take a tablet one to two hours or twelve hours a day.

If you take this pill for up to three days after the relationship, it will prevent 90% of pregnancy. We can eat up to 5 days after the relationship.

The other method is the IUD method. The device is designed to prevent the fertilization of the egg in the uterus and should be stored in the uterus depending on the type of contraceptive pill taken three to five days.

The disadvantage of the IUD method is that the use of this tool can make your menstruation more likely to become more painful, more severe, and more severe. Use this contraceptive pill if it harms you.