
Bio-Organic Fertilizer

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Bio-Organic Fertilizer

Bio-Organic Fertilizer NPK 5-5-5 (400g)

RM 5.00

Pricing not included postageWest Malaysia (WM) : RM 8.00 | East Malaysia (EM): RM15.00

What is Bio-Organic Fertilizer?

Bio-organic fertilizer is use to improve the fertility of poor soils as well as maintaining healthy soils and increase its ability to hold water and plant nutrients with trace minerals. Over time, it will makes your soil and plant become healthier and stronger. In addition, the organic matter is purely comes from plant sources green manure only. No animal feces mixed in the compost.


Urea, Rock Phosphate, MOP, Dolomite, Zeolite, Coffee Dreg, Pineapple Meal, Mushroom Powder, Palm Bunch Ash, Cocoa Shell, Spent Grain and Effective Microorganisms (EM) 


Suitable for all types of flowers & crops as basal fertilizer. Use 2–4 tbsp to your plant and watering. Repeat after 2 weeks. Please take note that it's harmful to the soils if overused.

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