Just for mommies

7 Steps to Write Any Book in Two Weeks

This article is a short description of the 7 step system on how to write a book in very short time. To be precise, if you spend at least 2 hours a day writing, then, according to this system you can finish your book in 2 weeks.

Step 1. You should decide how long your book should be.

For example, your book will be 250 pages which is average size book nowadays. That means it will have approximately 25 chapters, assuming that each chapter takes 10 pages. But you can do a shorter book if you are writing a How To book; this can be around 180 pages.

Step 2 . Now write down 25 important things you want to be covered in your book.

Each of them should be broad enough to cover 10 pages. Some chapters can be shorter than 10 pages because you may want to have an Introduction, Forward, Dedication and Resources Page.

Step 3. From the 25 important things you should choose the one which is in your opinion the most important.

This one will be your first chapter. Then put the subsequent chapters in an order that feels the most logical to you. Don't get too bogged down with this as a good editor will rearrange the chapters later.

Step 4. Now, using the brain storm technique, write down 10-15 points for each chapter.

For example if your chapter one is "Bringing a new-born baby home". In this case your brain-storming points could be:

- Preparing baby's bed.

- Preparing baby's clothes.

- Preparing baby's room.

- Preparing baby's toys.

- Preparing baby's dishes.

- Coping strategies for a new mother when baby first gets home.

- Coping strategies for a new father when baby first gets home.

- Coping strategies for siblings when baby first gets home.

- Dealing with other family members (grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins etc)

- Baby' s regime.

- Parents and siblings regime.

Step 5. To make your brain work faster you should turn all the points into questions. For example: What kind of bed is the best for a new born baby? Which side of the room it should be placed? What kind of clothes baby needs in the first few weeks after birth? How many clothes? What quality the material should be? What baby's room should be like? Etc.

Questions help you to go deeper into the topic and make you think from the reader's prospective.

Step 6. Now use the "Subconscious writing technique" and write answers to all your questions down. The "Subconscious writing technique" is when you relax first using meditation or relaxation techniques for 5-10 minutes. Then, you sit and write non-stop. Don't interrupt yourself for anything: don't check your e-mails, don't correct your grammar or spelling. Don't pause until you have answered all the questions in the chapter.

Write two chapters a day. This will take 12 and a half days to do.

Step 7 . In the last few days re-read what you have written. Add on something you missed before. Come up with an introduction. Make a resources page if you need one, bibliography if you need one. If you want proofreading done you can get someone from Elance.com or Vworker.com to do it for you for very cheap.

To sum up, following these 7 steps is the easiest and fastest way for me to write a book. I recommend to everyone to use these steps to start off with their book. You can always change it later when you have something to work with. So you can edit, re-write, and add on later: but the first draft should be done quickly. If you use the subconscious writing technique you can get it on paper and fix up over the next few week. Good luck with your book! I hope you enjoy the process of creation.

To read more about publish for money go to PublishForLoveAndMoney.com

Dr Irina Webster MD, Yahoo Contributor Network, Dec 3, 2010


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How to lose weight after having a baby?

Organizing Your Life: The Power of Purging

How to Save Your Sanity by Letting Go

Magazines and television shows are constantly offering simple solutions to store your stuff. Popular shows like Clean Sweep and Mission: Organization suggest secret storage units, hidden cabinets, and attractive extra bookcases. They offer how-to tips on installing convenient (and expensive) closet racks. They even explain how to organize the kitchen cupboards using special racks and storage units. Yet, we are still bombarded by clutter.

On television, these shows turn an upside-down world into a calm, organized home. In the real world, however, these makeovers simply are not possible. Our kitchen tables are topped with piles of ill-fitting clothes, long-ago-read books, and paperwork that needs to be reviewed. Our closets are chaotic, our garages are stuffed, and our minds are muddled. Clutter rules our world and it saps our energy.

Creative storage solutions are a fantastic idea, but they will not solve this disorderly dilemma. The true secret lies underneath all of our clutter. The real secret is to PURGE!

The idea of purging terrifies most adults. We don't want to let go of our precious memories and all of the items that we are keeping "just in case." But purging is a powerful tool. It will help you let go of the chaos and organize your life. It will save your sanity.

Best of all, the purging can be done over a long period of time. When you let go of the extra items, you are freeing yourself from them. By tossing them in the trash, you've removed some of the stress of your shoulders. Now you'll have the power to think more clearly.

Clearing the clutter is easier than it sounds. By taking a few simple steps, you'll be able to live a fuller and more stress-free life. When you're ready to get organized, grab a bag and get started.

Toss the trash.

Take a look around you. Be honest: how much of the clutter is actually trash that hasn't made it outside yet? Arm yourself with a large trash bag, and take a good look around your house. You'll probably find chipped glasses, mismatched socks, and broken toys lying around. Grab those old school newsletters, extra buttons, and mysterious whatnots that are lying around your house. Pitch them.

Okay, so what if you need them later? Consider this: if you need them later, you'll only spend a few bucks replacing them. Toss it now, and clear a vast array of items. The only risk is the replacement of one or two items. Are you afraid that you won't be able to replace them? Get real. Ebay is only a click away.

Toss again.

Now that you've made your first step, go through your house again. Since your drawers and table tops are little less frenzied, you can get a new perspective. Grab five more items to trash every single day. Within one month, you'll have tossed 150 items!

Sell your stuff.

The quickest way to identify clutter is to host a yard sale. Set aside a "yard sale" corner in your garage or basement. Walk through your house; you'll find an excess of merchandise. Consider baby equipment, kids' toys, kitchen items, old clothes, furniture, etc. Be honest with yourself: you will never wear that bridesmaid's dress again.

Okay, so maybe you cringe at the thought of tossing treasured items. You love your leather high-school jacket and your child's baby toys. Life is full of precious mementos. But at what point do these memories start affecting your sanity? Let go! Spend the money on something more important.

By the way, set a three-month time limit. If you haven't sold your stuff by then, donate, freecycle, or toss these items. But don't put it back in your house. Once an item hits the yard sale pile, it's off limits!

Get a donation jumpstart.

Don't wait until the end of the tax year to donate. Jumpstart your deduction; call a local charitable cause that will stop by your home. Tell them you have five boxes full of donated items. Make good on your promise, and fill at least five boxes with good quality items. All your leftover yard sale items will fit in here nicely. Toss in some unused furniture, dollhouses, or other large items that are in good condition.


Freecycling is the best thing since sliced bread. Simply sign up for a local freecycle group on the internet (go to groups.yahoo.com). Look around your house and post items that you no longer need, even if they are not in the best condition. Accurately identify the quality of your items, for example,large bread machine in need of repair. Freecycling is very convenient; all transactions are done via email, and the recipient will pick the item up from your home or another specified area. You'll also have the comfort of knowing that you have helped the environment by reusing old items.

Plan to Scan.

Paperwork is the dreaded enemy of organization. Put your paperwork in check once and for all: invest in a scanner. Scan old your paperwork, particularly those mysterious items, and store them on your computer. (Just make sure you shred them when you're done!) Credit card statements: zap. Bank statements: zap. Kid's school papers: zap. User's manuals: zap. Yes, it IS that easy!

There are, however, certain items that you should not destroy. Keep your old tax papers, deeds, identification papers, etc. Store them in a box in the attic, and keep a scanned copy on your computer. These copies can be accessed in a flash!

Preserve real memories.

So what about the real treasures? Your daughter is a budding artist, and you have a box full of yellowed artwork and chipped clay creations. What about the candy locomotive and the pipe cleaner windmill that your son created? Of course, these treasured memories must last forever.

Use my favorite preservation method: Preserve real memories using your digital camera. Take pictures of all your children's artwork, creations, and various artifacts and preserve them in a quality photo album. As a bonus, your family can enjoy reminiscing over the album on the cocktail table. That is the true beauty of preservation. (And yes, you can keep some of the most treasured items. Just be sure to choose wisely.)

With these simple techniques, clearing the clutter is easier than it sounds. With minimal effort, you can minimize the mess without fancy bookcases or secret storage areas. Best of all, you'll be able to find important items in a flash. You'll finally have a clean house and a clear mind!

By Nicole Scarlett-Stevens, Yahoo Contributor Network, Jul 9, 2007


  • #freecycling
  • #purging
  • #garage
  • #organization
  • #baby
  • #equipment

This is a list with the articles from this blog, this should help you choose faster what you want to read first (as a sitemap). Enjoy and thank you!

1. Fashion and style: dresses, outfits, shoes, accessories

a. Dresses and outfits: casual, daily style, party & cocktail dresses:

b. Prom dresses:

c. Wedding and bridesmaid dresses:

2. Accessories: watches, jewelries and more

a. Watches:

b. Jewelries, wedding rings

c. Accessories:

3. Makeup & care: tips and tricks, product reviews

4. Life & style, home, tech & gadgets

a. Lifestyle & fashion:

b. Gadgets, tech, laptops, smartphones, apps & more:

c. Home & clothes:

d. Kids & babies: