ਬਾਬਾ ਫਤਿਹ ਸਿੰਘ ਜੀ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ / ਗੁਰਮਤਿ  ਵਿਦਿਆਲਾ

Baba Fateh Singh Ji 

Punjabi / Gurmat School, Keysborough


Imporant Links : 

New Student Registration :  Form Link 

Student Leave                          :  Form Link 


Upcoming Events - Calender List 

Important Events 


Punjabi school closed -11J-11Jun-11J-11Jun(Sunday)

Registration / New Admission - Term3 until   : Open 


COVID-19 ( Corona ) Virus Alert 


Baba Fateh Singh ji school has started from Term2 '22 . 

COVID precaution rules : 

As the impact of a positive case attending the school has a very large impact on the all the other students , teacher and families for we advise if you have symptoms or in doubt please do not attend school until you are negative and no Symptoms . 

Baba Fateh Singh ji Punjabi / Gurmat School

Baba Fateh Singh ji Punjabi school is located in Keysborough Gurudwara Sahib . Classes are run every Wednesday and Sunday. The school runs free of cost classes that are run by volunteers and offers courses like : 

Other Classes : run by music teachers at very nominal cost : 

About Baba Fateh Singh ji ........

Sahibzada Fateh Singh Ji was born in Anandpur Sahib on 12 December 1699, the fourth son of Mata Jito ji. Mata Jito ji left for her heavenly abode when Baba Fateh Singh ji was one year old, and he and his brother Sahibzada Zorawar ji were cared for by their grandmother, Mata Gujari, until their martyrdom.

In May 1705 a combination of Mughals and hill-men besieged Anandpur Sahib on the orders of Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. For several months the Sikhs withstood the attacks and blockade, but eventually the stock of food in the town ran out. The Mughals offered the Sikhs safe exit if they left Anandpur. Guru Gobind Singh ji agreed and evacuated the town with his family and a small band of retainers. Mata Gujari and the two Sahibzadas were brought by the family's servant Gangu to his native village of Sahedi. Bribed by the Mughals, he turned over the three members of Guru Gobind Singh's family to the faujdar of Sirhind. They were then brought to the Nawab Wazir Khan (Sirhind) in Sirhind. The two sons of Guru Gobind Singh ji, Zorawar Singh ji(9 years old) and Fateh Singh ji(6 years old) were offered safe passage if they became Muslims. With a courage that belied their years, both sahibzade refused to do so. Wazir Khan sentenced them to death. They were bricked up alive within a wall. Gurudwara Bhora Sahib marks the site of the wall in Gurdwara Fatehgarh Sahib.

After Guru Gobind Singh ji left his heavenly abode , Banda Singh Bahadur, born Lachman Dev, also known as Madho Das and Banda Bairagi, took revenge on those who had taken part in the deaths of the children. After defeating mughals in the Battle of Samana and Battle of Sadhaura he conquered Samana and Sandhaura, he moved towards Sirhind and after defeating the Mughal forces in the Battle of Chappar Chiri , Sikh army conquered Sirhind. In the battle, Wazir Khan (Sirhind) was beheaded.