CBO regularly publishes data to accompany some of its key reports. These data have been published in the Budget and Economic Outlook and Updates and in their associated supplemental material, except for that from the Long-Term Budget Outlook.

Revenue Projections, by CategoryProjections of revenues by category, estimates of the effects of extending tax provisions scheduled to expire within ten years, and estimates of selected policy options affecting revenues. Starting in April 2018, additional information on revenue projection errors and a listing of legislation with significant impacts on federal revenues have been added to the data.

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Historical Data and Economic ProjectionsData on output, prices, labor market measures, interest rates, income, potential GDP, and its underlying inputs from 1949 through the most recent year completed, in comma-separated values (CSV) files. In May 2020, CBO published selected historical economic data.

As preparation for the first year courses in the doctoral program, the department requires that students participate in math camp. Lectures are scheduled over the two weeks before fall quarter; there are ten lectures on mathematical foundations and three on MatLab. The website for Math Camp and Econ 200 (see below) can be found here.

Studying economics at the graduate level requires a considerable degree of comfort with mathematics. These classes enable students to review the material they know, in addition to filling any gaps in their knowledge.

At the end of math camp, there is a diagnostic quiz on the topics covered in the lectures. Typically three quarters of students pass; they receive an automatic passing grade for Econ 200, which is offered in the fall. The remainder attend a weekly lecture/tutorial and do homework to raise their mathematical skill to the level required by first year classes.

Below is a list of classes offered outside the economics department, along with the fields to which they broadly relate. These classes change from year to year, so they should be thought of as indicative of the options at UCLA, and students are encouraged to investigate further. Please email econserv@econ.ucla.edu with suggestions or updates.

A rapidly growing area of employment for majors, especially those who have strong analytical skills in mathematics and statistics, is management consulting. Another is banking, both commercial banking and investment banking. Governments at all levels, including international organizations such as the United Nations, are also significant employers of economics majors for positions involving analyses of revenues and expenditures or cost-benefit studies of programs in education, health, and transportation.

Most of our students have never taken economics before coming to Northwestern. The usual starting point is Economics 201 Introduction to Macroeconomics, then Economics 202 Introduction to Microeconomics, followed by Economics 310-1 Microeconomics I. We offer these classes every quarter and we try to offer enough seats so that they never close.

Most 300-level economics classes use algebra, graphical analysis, and derivatives. The minimum math requirement for economics is Mathematics 220-1 Single-Variable Differential Calculus. You will have no problem completing the major with just Mathematics 220-1; however, some upper-level economics classes require more advanced mathematical tools, and we recommend that you take as much math as you are comfortable taking.

Many economics students double-major in mathematics. Math classes of particular interest are Mathematics 220-2 Single-Variable Integral Calculus, 230-1 Multivariable Differential Calculus, 240 Linear Algebra, 300 Foundations of Higher Mathematics, 310 sequence Probability, and Stochastic Processes, and 320 sequence Real Analysis.

There are many clubs and activities outside of the classroom where students can meet other students who are interested in economics. The Undergraduate Economic Society (UES), Womxn in Economics (WiE) and the Northwestern Economic Tournament (NET) are all clubs sponsored by our department.

Northwestern is a top research university and our undergraduates often play a role as research assistants in advancing the frontiers of knowledge. Learn more about undergraduate research within the department.

Additionally, the EconLab is a new space for undergraduates to engage in part-time research and learn more closely about the tools and questions that are addressed using Economics. It is ideal for students interested in pursuing a career in research.

The MPA Bridge Program (formerly ECON-MPA) is now available to all undergraduate students at UT. Students who complete the MPA Bridge curriculum earn both a Bachelors degree in economics and a Master in Professional Accounting (MPA) degree. This program enables outstanding undergraduates to complete twelve hours of graduate accounting courses in their senior year toward obtaining a masters degree.

The MS Bridge Programs are sequential dual-enrollment programs that enable outstanding UT Economics undergraduate students to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Economics and a Master's of Science degree in the course of five years.

McCombs offers MS Bridge Porgrams for the MS Finance, MS Business Analytics, MS Marketing, and MS IT and Management degrees.

Students can apply for admission to the program their junior year. The GRE/GMAT is optional as of June 2023.

If accepted, students will take three Master's level classes the summer before their senior year. They complete the rest of the program in the year following obtaining their Economics degree.

These programs also all offer a traditional route.

As an undergraduate interested in economics, what matters even more is our dedicated faculty, the real-life experiences available to you and the analytic skills you will gain. Whether you choose to go into government, education or business, the impact of your economics education will last a lifetime.

Economists study how scarce resources can be efficiently allocated to produce the maximum number of goods and services. Economists conduct research, collect and analyze data, monitor economic trends and develop forecasts. They apply economic theory to endeavors such as banking, finance, manufacturing, education, law, international trade, labor, insurance, agriculture, health, criminal justice, energy, natural resources and telecommunications.

The Eller College offers two undergraduate economics degrees: the BSBA (which is a Business degree) with a major in Business Economics, and the BA (which is a Social Science degree), with a major in Economics. Students in the (BA) Economics Major, which emphasizes the key role of economics in social science, have a lot of flexibility in their upper division elective course offerings and when it comes to adding additional majors or minors to their undergraduate program. This additional flexibility with outside majors and minors differentiates from the BSBA Business Economics Major student, who focus largely on taking upper division Eller College business courses.

The (BA) Economics Major requires four semesters of foreign language and a minor. The minor can be selected from any college (e.g. Eller College, the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, etc.). It allows students to combine a specific area of interest with the broader study of Economics. Students have ample freedom to customize the Economics BA major, as we provide a wide range of elective offerings and the option to obtain a double major is also possible. To begin upper division Economics classes students will apply for Advanced Standing.

Both degrees that the Eller College offers - BA with a major in Economics and BSBA with a major in Business economics - prepare students for careers including but not limited to consulting, banking, research, analytics, insurance, criminal justice, labor, energy, and health, as well as graduate school, including law school and further study in Economics (Masters or PhD). To be admitted to the Business Economics (BSBA) major, students go through the BSBA Professional Admission process.

This is only a sample plan and requirements are subject to change and may vary based on catalog year, placement tests, AP/CLEP credit, transfer work, summer school, etc. The official degree requirements are found in the University General Catalog and all University of Arizona students should refer to their Academic Advisement Report through UAccess for their specific requirements for graduation.

All students enter as Pre-Economics or Foundational Economics majors, and must go through a selective Advanced Standing process to gain entry to the upper-division Economics courses. The following plan is designed on the assumption that a student places into College Algebra with SAT/ACT scores or through the ALEKS Math Placement Exam; students who test lower than College Algebra should refer to the Pre-Economics/Foundational Economics Five-Semester Plan and work with their academic advisor to learn how they can adjust their schedule to meet their educational goals.

Students can meet the Second Language requirement by demonstrating fourth semester proficiency through examination or taking any of a variety of second semester language courses. Additionally, one course in the student's degree program must focus on Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Non-Western Area Studies. Some General Education classes are designed to fulfill this requirement. Each student needs to meet a minimum of 120 total credits. Please consult with your Advisement Report and your Academic Advisor.

* Eller Pre-Economics/Economics Foundation Courses: Required to apply for Advanced Standing into the upper-division phase of the BA Economics program. Advanced Standing is required in order to take all 300 & 400-level Economics Courses.

Repeat Policy: Students are allowed to take major courses twice. If a student fails an ECON major requirement (ex: ECON 200, ECON 332, ECON 361, etc) twice, the student will be required to change their major. Upon review at the end of a term, students who have not passed the course for a second time will be moved to No Major Selected. 152ee80cbc

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