B2B Research Online Seminar Series (BROSS)

The B2B online Research seminars are supported by ANZMAC and EMAC and aim to be a platform for presentations in the area of B2B Marketing and to bring the B2B community a little closer. The presentations are typically about 45 minutes and are followed by Q&A. Unless indicated differently, these seminars start at 9AM central European Time. To register for these seminars, please contact prof. Michael Kleinaltenkamp at michael.kleinaltenkamp@fu-berlin.de. Upon registration you will be sent a Webex or Zoom Link a few days before the seminar starts. 

The organizers of this seminar series are:

Vishal Kashyap (U Graz)

Michael Kleinaltenkamp (Freie U Berlin)

Sudha Mani (Monash U)

Erik Mooi (U Melbourne)

If you like to attend or present, please do reach out!

Upcoming seminars:


Session 24: March 9, 2023:

Areej Saad Alshamrani (Monash University and Taibah University), Sudha Mani (Monash University), Shanfei (Sophie) Feng (Monash University)

Effective Franchise Contracts: The Role of Contractual Relational Norms

Session 25: April 6, 2023, 6 am EST, 11 am CET, 8 pm AEDT, 11 pm NZDT

Vivek Astvansh (Indiana University) 

"Marketing Investments Mitigate the Adverse Effect of a Firm’s Employee Unionization on its Received Trade Credit"

Session 26: May 4, 2023:

Markus Husemann-Kopetzky (Freie Universität Berlin), Andreas Eggert (Freie Universität Berlin), Wolfgang Ulaga (INSEAD) und Michael Steiner (Witten/Herdecke University)

"Understanding the role of (dual) entitlement effects on industrial customers’ willingness-to-pay for ancillary services"

Past seminars:


Session 23: February 16, 2003:

Jordan Truong (Melbourne University), Erik Mooi (Melbourne University)

"Text analysis in B2B - a guide" (Note this is partly a paper presentation, partly a how-to)


Session 22: November 3, 2022:

Vivian (Xu) Zheng, City University of Hong Kong

"’Epidemics’ of Failure: The Contagion Effect of Franchised Outlet Failure"

Session 21: October 20, 2022:

Arnd Vomberg, University of Mannheim

"Algorithm-Based CRM Technology: The Human Side of a Cold Start Problem?"

Session 20: September 15, 2022:

Maggie Dong, University of New South Wales (UNSW)

"Adjusting Value Chains in Countries with Politician Turnover: A Contingency Framework"

Session 19: May 12, 2022

Khashayar Afshar Bakeshloo, Raj Agnihotri & Elizabeth Hoffman, Iowa State University

"Organizational Strategic Emphasis and Salespeople's Escalation of Commitment: Is Artificial Intelligence a Cure" 

Session 18: April 7, 2022

Ashwin Baliga, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

"Thinking Highly of a B2B Service Provider Post Service Failure: Investigating Service Recovery Paradox and Relationship Constructs in an Emerging Market Context"

Session 17: March 17, 2022

Elsa Dessaigne, Excelia Business School

"From Business Networks to Elias’ Business Figurations.

Expliciting the social ontology of the Industrial Network Literature through cross-disciplinary research"

Session 16: February 9, 2022

Katharina Prohl-Schwenke (Freie Universität Berlin) 

“Customer Success Management Implementation: Its Measurement from a Customer Perspective and Impact on Customers’ Behavioral Intentions”



Session 15: November 4, 2021: 

Michael Kleinaltenkamp (Freie Universität Berlin)

“Conceptualizing Customer Experience in B2B Settings”


Session 14: October 7, 2021

Jeff Wang (Monash University Melbourne)

“Manufacturer Tridadic Governance in Marketing Channel”


Session 13: September 16, 2021

Lisa Scheer (University of Missouri)

“The Importance of P2P Relationships in B2B Relationships”


Session 12: July 8, 2021

Victoria Kramer (University of Münster), Manfred Krafft (University of Münster), & Kaj Storbacka (Hanken School of Economics)

“Relationship Configurations for Selling Servitized Offerings: A fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis”


Session 11: June 3, 2021

Jon Bingen Sande (City of Oslo), Kenneth Wathne (Norwegian Business School), Mrinal Ghosh (Eller College of Management), & Henrik Jensen 

“The role of cross-understanding in complex problem solving in interorganizational relationships”


Session 10: May 6, 2021 

Stephan Henneberg (Queen Mary University of London)

“It’s OK, Until it’s Not: A Conceptual Model of Boundary Spanner Corruption”


Session 9: April 1, 2021

Vivian Zheng (City University of Hong Kong)

“Locations and Beyond: Franchise Clustering and Contingent Effects of Governance Mechanisms”


Session 8: March 3, 2021 

Raghu Bommaraju (Indian School of Business)

“Throwdown (A Novel Sales Contest) – Evidence from a Field Experiment on its Effectiveness vs. a Traditional Sales Contest”



Session 7: December 3, 2020: 

(1)  Dave Gilliland (Colorado State University): Introducing the Journal of Inter-organizational Research

(2)  Open discussion on the future of the B2B Research Online Seminar Series (BROSS) in 2021


Session 6: November 5, 2020: 

Thomas Ritter (Copenhagen Business School):

“How Covid-19 impacts business marketing: experiences and research questions”


Session 5: October 8, 2020 (9am CEST, 5pm AEST, 7pm NZST)

Sudha Mani (Monash University Melbourne), Vivek Astvansh (Indiana University), and Kersi D. Antia (Ivey Business School): 

“Buyer-Supplier Destructive Acts and Buyers’ Bankruptcy Outcomes”


Session 4: September 3, 2020 

Alok Kumar (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Huanhuan Shi (Texas A&M University), Jenifer Skiba Missouri State University, and Amit Saini (University of Nebraska-Lincoln:

“Buying Groups in the US Healthcare Market: A B2B Perspective”


Session 3: August 6, 2020 

Mrinal Ghosh (Eller College of Management):

“Product-Form Strategy: Where Does a Firm Choose to Locate in the Value Chain and Why”


Session 2: July 9, 2020 

Erik Mooi (University of Melbourne), Elham Ghazimatin (University of Stavanger) and Jan Heide (University of Wisconsin–Madison):

“Organizing for Innovation: B2B Projects, Task Configuration, and Outcomes”.


Session 1: June 4, 2020 

Andreas Eggert (University of Paderborn), Michael Kleinaltenkamp (Freie Universität Berlin), Vishal Kashyap (University of Graz) and Wolfgang Ulaga (INSEAD):

“How Business Customers Perceive Value: An Integrated Model”