
Nav Kander:

In this photo you can see the past president of the USA, Obama. With the lighting you can see the texture of his skin and face shape from where the lighting is positions you can see the form/texture of his skin. You can see the shadows behind Obama so the lighting would have been in front of Obama and you can also see where the light is because it is reflected by his eyes as you see in the picture. Maybe there is a story behind it?

Yousuf Karsh:

In this photo you can see the past president/ prime minister of the UK. You can see that the lighting is coming from the front of the face as you can see from the shadows around his head. From where the lighting is placed you can see the form/texture of his skin and face . Maybe a story behind it?

mood bored:⭐



In this photo i used the artist Bert McLendon for my photo. I went outside and used sunlight. In order to improve my photo i should have improved my lighting and changed the background  and made the face with more proportion. I like this design because it is eye catching and original .  



In this photo you can see the background and the photo is over exposed i have used the artist  Olivier Ratsi in this photo i  used the outside lighting from the sunlight i also like this photo because you can see that it is original and eye catching to look at. 

